
Topic: [ANN][ICO][BKB] BetKing Bankroll Token - 465 BTC raised in pre-sale! - page 27. (Read 35688 times)

full member
Activity: 212
Merit: 100
Gric Coin - Redefining Agriculture and Increasing
Hello manager, I want to do the Japanese Translation. Here is my recent work:
Kindly let me know if I'm accepted so I can start translating your ANN thread Japanese language.

full member
Activity: 173
Merit: 100
Will those who were part of the previous not successful funding ICO receive the 5% bonus?

Yeah they will be eligible too.


Goodluck, I hope this pans out this time.
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1021
Facebook bounty campaign is cancelled.

Facebook won't allow us to get a list of users who shared a post so we can't verify that a user did.
Also 1/3rd of users, at least, connected to the Facebook bounty have been fake.

Sorry for the hassle.
You can still join the Twitter and Bitcointalk campaigns.

The share of the bounty has changed to this now too:

  • Bitcointalk Signature Campaign (35%)
  • Twitter reposts (20%)
  • Bitcointalk translation threads (15%)
  • Media publications (20%)
  • Blog articles (10%)

Can translaters update their posts to show this please?

Activity: 1400
Merit: 1021
Updated on

User stats and bet details dialogs

Activity: 2338
Merit: 1084

I would like to ask why the calculation of stakes has not been seen in a few days at Maybe if I may suggest it would be nice if the calculation of stakes can be updated every week so that the followers bounty can be more spirit to participate
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1021
Check out this interview I did with

Chat about BetKing past, ICO and future plans
There is an inconsistency:
Every quarter BetKing will offer to buy back up to 10% of a holders tokens at the current buy back price.

Yeah you are right.

So what I meant is if someone wants to sell me 10% of their tokens I will buy them.
I can't say sorry I'm only going to buy 4%.
But a token holder doesn't need to sell their tokens, they can continue to hold.
Also token holders are free to make an offer to sell more than 10% and sometimes I might do so.

Is that clearer?
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 502
My bet is most trusted project . You will be very successful.
Activity: 3290
Merit: 16489
Thick-Skinned Gang Leader and Golden Feather 2021
Check out this interview I did with

Chat about BetKing past, ICO and future plans
There is an inconsistency:
Every quarter BetKing will offer to buy back up to 10% of a holders tokens at the current buy back price.
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1021
Have you considered selling betkings or shares of it in the past?
If yes, what made you change your mind in the past and what has changed to justify an ico now?

You can read answer to that here

sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Have you considered selling betkings or shares of it in the past?
If yes, what made you change your mind in the past and what has changed to justify an ico now?
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
Like a gambling coin before, I think a lot of people are interested to join.
Hopefully this project is succesful.  Smiley
hero member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 536
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
Hello ... I want to clarify, I can participate in the company's bounty Facebook, if I have a status on the forum newbie ... Thank you

yes you can join other bounty campaigns like facebook and twitter as long as you have the required number of friends/followers as stated in the rules. although for signature campaign you cannot join because your forum rank is still newbie. i hope this helps
full member
Activity: 406
Merit: 100
Hello ... I want to clarify, I can participate in the company's bounty Facebook, if I have a status on the forum newbie ... Thank you
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1021
Check out this interview I did with

Chat about BetKing past, ICO and future plans
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1021
Will those who were part of the previous not successful funding ICO receive the 5% bonus?

Yeah they will be eligible too.
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1021
Glad you are back with the ICO Dean!

Just to confirm; I put in 10BTC on the last offering so I can buy 10BTC worth again and get 20% extra (if I invest in the first week)?

You will get the 20% bonus yes. Thanks!
full member
Activity: 173
Merit: 100
Will those who were part of the previous not successful funding ICO receive the 5% bonus?
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1001
I reserve the Romanian Translation,

Please use bounty thread for this reservation as OP said that so many times all relevant posts make into dedicated thread.
sr. member
Activity: 616
Merit: 250

beautiful project. a lot of competitors. the distinguishing feature, and is understood to be very comprehensive. we participated in all the campaigns. bounty platform doesn't exactly work, I guess. the Facebook link I couldn't. come easy. good work.

we are waiting impatiently for ICO.  Cheesy Wink

Twitter syncron can indeed but my facebook yesterday also can not sync, but now can .. try again is hopefully facebook link it
Activity: 1320
Merit: 1001

beautiful project. a lot of competitors. the distinguishing feature, and is understood to be very comprehensive. we participated in all the campaigns. bounty platform doesn't exactly work, I guess. the Facebook link I couldn't. come easy. good work.

we are waiting impatiently for ICO.  Cheesy Wink
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