Technologically, it allows cross-chain swaps in real time. It is a promising core technology to further develop DEX technology and make it widely available.
Vitalik Buterin noted at the Blockchain Submit 2018 in Switzerland that the decentralized and protocol-based Crypto high-frequency trading is still to be seen, as there are no projects yet. Tokrex is the first project in this direction.
From the user's point of view, this means having a DEX with the comfort and speed of a central exchange.
Interestingly, virtually almost all coins are tradeable decentralized via the technology, which makes Tokrex superior over token-based DEX (e.g. ERC20) solutions.
Also, an interesting consequence of the Tokrex protocol is that it can also be used for a risk-free fiat/crypto exchange. In the white paper, this is proposed as a "clearing service provider". These are then Fiat / Crypto exchanges that no longer hold cryptos themselves because they can use the Tokrex protocol to decentralize the crypto clearing and settling.