What technologies you plan to implement with blockchain? what countries will be unavailable to participate in tokensale?
The possibility of replacing intermediary based financial or commercial systems is becoming a reality by mass adoption of decentralized ledger technology. There are various types of utilities being tested on DLT based architecture. While the early success has fueled the digitization of various types of commerce, the bandwidth of blockchains have largely limited its applicability. The limited bandwidth is a challenge to onboard various new business models. Also the bandwidth issue has increased the cost of transaction on the popular blockchains. The solution propagated so far have led to centralization of the network or bottlenecks in the ease-of-usage in some two layer approaches; due to wallet warm up or similar restrictions. The current state of blockchains do not allow easy participation in mining also. The cost related to mining fee or capex of becoming a miner inhibits the micropayments, which actually was a cornerstone of peer to peer money.
Other issue in development of healthy blockchain platform is fragmentation of community, which on one hand has led to multiple innovation but has also created loss of developmental focus on a stronger and useful platform in alignment with the father of current generations of blockchains, Satoshi Nakamoto. One probable reason could be the conventional software development approach which starts with small test cases and scales up gradually. But one cannot change the blockchain everyday like small patchwork in any enterprise system. The patchwork and piece meal approach has led to fragmentation. The
support of community and fork proofing the network by means of para-legal barriers as well as technological measures is going to guarantee a stable and sustainable blockchain.
What is needed is a high performance system which is future ready. Everything from the bandwidth up to the cryptographic nature of the blockchain has to be future proof from the current edges of science. This is to also ensure that the irreversibility of transactions, double spending protection, and ensuring that honest nodes make the majority of network strength. These are key considerations while making this blockchain architecture.
For various types of security mechanism in this architecture implementation, loss of stake is one primary way of censuring the offenders. The network is built for high bandwidth, so flood attacks are most prominent. Apart from various verification mechanism, the network penalizes attackers to have economic toll of attacks.