Decentralized Digital Currency
BlackJack uses open source code, which means everything is public and can be checked, this is what makes digital currency so powerful. Everything is transparent and available for viewing and nobody has anymore authority than anyone else. Your authority only comes based on how much BlackJack you are holding and staking and anyone can be part of this network.
Symbol: JACK
Type: PoW/PoS/PoW Hybrid
Total coins: Unlimited
Transaction confirmations: 3
Transaction fee: 0.0001 Jack
Port: 21426
RPC port: 21425
Minting: PoS
Minimum stake age: 4 Hours
Maximum stake age: 4 Days
Minting maturity: 40 confirmations
Blocks rewards
100 to 41000 = 21000% per year
41001 to 60000 = 10000% per year
60001 to 90000 = 5000% per year
90001 to 120000 = 2000% per year
120001 to infinite = 21% per year
Mining: PoW
Hash algorithm: x13
Total coins: 5 000 000 Jack
Block target: 2 minute
Difficulty retargeting: Every block
Blocks rewards
1 to 2500 = 21 Jack
2501 to 74999 = NO PoW
75000 to infinite = 21 Jack