Here's part 2 of what I have been working on
http://www.karmaplex.comThis is a draft to show people what the future of Karma could be like. Imagine a place where every type of person could come to see videos of people doing nice things, powered by Karma!
A Karma video site makes it easy to understand what Karma is and how it can be used for good things.
For users:
Step 1) Upload a video of yourself doing something nice for family, your community, strangers, whatever to YouTube. You must mention Karmacoin in the video if you want Karma [free advertising for us, and allows us to verify that it is the user]
Step 2) Link to the video on Karmaplex by clicking the 'Share Your Karma Video' link on the upper right
Step 3) Add a title and description. Put your Karmacoin address in the description box
Karmaplex serves a few purposes. They are:
1) to start adding value right away. Someone could upload a video today. We can continue with the 'giving' for blogs if we want to do that, but of course that will take a few months more of development. I don't think the crypto community could wait that long to see something of value for Karma.
2) possibly integrate some of the purpose of KarmaToken with Karma, but in a far more efficient way. (Though the site would only take Karma to avoid confusion.)
3) open up Karma to everyday people. Then they can see how it can be used in a more practical way
4) present a unique value proposition for Karma. Not many coins can do this. And of course, we have a good name for it!
5) increase the velocity at which coins are used. The more videos we have the more Karma is being exchanged. The more people that see the videos the more potential users we have.
6) increase efficiency with the doing good equation. This shifts the burden from us (via a charity) to users who will upload their videos. Less paperwork and accounting (which charities require), less headache, faster, cheaper, and many more benefits. Also, we can
scale to millions of people all around the world, something very few charities can do. Helping more people by being a platform for kindness is good!
We could own the "blockchain of kindness" starting with Karmaplex. It's that simple. It's also something the press wants to hear about over most other cryptocurrencies.
I'll have an introductory video to explain to people how it works made, once we decide whether or not to make use of it. But at first I think just people in the altcoin community would post videos, but anyone could watch them (and be made aware of Karma)
Another point... I think we should go back to 'karmacoin' because it's a bit more recognizable. If someone says that they "have karma" or "bought karma" it might prove confusing. (Or someone saying in a video that they're doing this for karma.) But if we retain "karmacoin" then it is more intuitive.
Thoughts are appreciated...