Some ideas to increase brand awareness:
- Find Youtubers that you like and enjoy their videos/feel they provide a good vibe/message then find them on twitter and follow them. Then send them a few karma as a thank you for what they do via the tipbot. Since they typically have many followers, this could be a good entry point into spreading brand awareness.
- Find new-media outlets/people who have close ties to charities. For example, Glenn Beck works with which is a great charity. Regardless of politics, the work that that charity does is fantastic. He also has been talking to his audience about Bitcoin lately on his radio program/web site and he has about a combined 10 million radio listeners/internet tv viewers I think we should consider reaching out as a community to these types of people/organizations because not only can we do something good but people like Beck have a direct line to large audiences of people thereby increasing exposure. It would be a win/win. I think for things like this we just need to contact them, explain what Karma is and let them know ahead of time of any pushes we plan for their charities. We can then request a brief mention on the radio/website after a successful charity push. I'd be more then happy to try to work with TheBlaze/MercuryOne on this - but I feel timing is important. We should do these types of campaigns when there is a consensus that we are "ready" and Karma is at a good place to do so (from a functionality standpoint, not price). I mean, if Doge can send the Jamaican bobsled team to the Olympics and get their logo on a Nascar, surely we can do some good charity work and get Karma out there!
I'm new to the Karma community but glad to be here. Just wanted to share my thoughts and get a feel from the gang and the devs if this is something we all would be interested in.