But, let us not overlook Shawn and Kosmost awesome PRESS RELEASES! Those things are smoking hot when released. Absolutely some great wordsmithing (made that word up ) behind them. Very very punchy. And the good news? I know there are some that are more than likely in the pipeline here in the near future. My Spidey Senses are tingling.
Again, this Facebook App that KARMA is included in can really blow up huge. Don't think it can't. A great way to introduce people to Karma and crypto as a whole. And the creator is going to make a plugin to be implemented in any type of website! It's on like Donkey Kong.
The honor goes to all generous KARMA community members who have given their share to make our tipping possible and successful. The same is going on with our TWITTER tipping efforts.
Thanks, hopefully this new tipping group can make waves with the YOUTUBERS, It's a great advertising vehicle if we can pull this off. https://www.facebook.com/groups/229157823960733/
More press releases are in our future. But BTC pairing first, then we can afford lots of good things.