I think 5-6 people should do the trick
We need 1 or 2 people given the authority to coordinate and manage this project and make things happen.
Let's get this over 200 satoshi! Together, we can make this happen.
sounds right.
candidate Karmashians?:
I would love to, but my personality would not be right for this project. I'm far too passionate. I'm the kind of person that needs to take charge. I move too fast and have too little patience for something like Karmacoin where we all need to work together. It's much slower than a directed effort, but we end up happier. Sure, it might end up being the biggest coin because I work tirelessly and never quit but everyone involved would be exhausted and end up hating me for it
I can only suggest that we get a few logo ideas together and take a survey of our target market. And also regarding the UI of our website. It should not be up to us to decide these things, because we are too close to it. We should design for newcomers to make it as accessible and as easy as possible. "Test all theories"