What is the best system I should follow to maximize my interest?
Everyday, week , month etc...
Thanks in advance.
(scroll down the page a bit)
so, is it best to redeem interest daily
remember that you should have at least 10kmd in one UTXO and there is a 1 hour locktime before the interest will start accruing. So if you do it everyday, there is 365 hours in locktime in one year. The best i think so far is monthly.
I assume you wanted to refer to this link https://www.atomicexplorer.com/#/interest-calc instead? You can simulate different strategies. Indeed if you take into account the number of hours when no interest is accrued; among the frequencies suggested by the site, monthly seems to give the highest returns.
Thank you all for being so helpful. It is nice to see a community that actually cares and doesn't insult a post from a newbie.
As I find myself spending more time learning about the komodo project, it opens up more questions that a non-tech person like me
has a hard time comprehending. Please take that into consideration as I post questions
native vs lite
is it safe to say to following...
lite is when you don't download the entire blockchain?
native is when you download the entire blockchain?
If this is correct, what are the benefits of downloading the entire blockchain when I can just go into my wallet using the lite?
Also, now don't flame me please... what does spv mode stand for?
Thanks in advance!
That's exactly it... Lite doesn't require a full blockchain download, Native does. The benefit of Lite is obviously not having to use your bandwidth and speed to do transactions (especially the case if you're far behind in blockheight). However, the benefit of Native and any time you download the full blockchain yourself is you aren't relying on another entity to verify the blockchain (you do that when you download the blocks and get caught up with the network height).
SPV simply stands for "simplified payment verification" and Electrum is a good example of an SPV wallet.