I am very interested in Komodo and would like to increase my share. What is still unsettling me at the moment is that Komodo is heavily dependent on the commitment and development of JL777. Or at least it seems so to me. What if he suddenly could not work on the project anymore, voluntarily or involuntarily? Can someone completely take over the job from JL777?
If this risk is too much, just wait until I finish all the tech, then it wont matter what happens to me.
I have pretty much finished my part of barterDEX, now it is in the hands of the others.
Next up for me is the realtime decentralized betting, which will require the blockchain contracts and serves as a test usecase. However, many people seem to freak out if I mention anything other than the current project, even if my part is complete, so ignore I said anything about the decentralized betting and blockchain contracts