hash: 02a6d17d79ea8ee3f0181c5003f474cf8715529fd14bcac8cf1b758cd365d0ca
target: 0f0f0f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
2016-10-24 17:26:45 CBlock(hash=02a6d17d79ea8ee3f0181c5003f474cf8715529fd14bcac8cf1b758cd365d0ca, ver=4, hashPrevBlock=023cb6cb5ac1bc4692533ad1c1db0ad13871cee5556b90dc08596b8991905e87, hashMerkleRoot=89adce444597ea16da2d9f44245d28dfd4e434f476da7d3ec817d39084123d2c, hashReserved=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, nTime=1477329957, nBits=2003fe27, nNonce=0000febdc00fcfbc9889d391127c5b540a89340528b6986de8e2db6178e00000, vtx=1)
What is special about the above block is that the mining target hash is: 0f0f0f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
which is the minimum diff, even though the actual diff at the time was around 4, with nBits of 2003fe27
this prevents mining wars between notaries. a lot of infrastructure needed to be in place for this to work, most especially height specific list of notaries. We still need to verify ratification of a new list of notaries, which is one of the last remaining items now that round robin difficulty is verified.
This also means all of James his work is coming into place. People think this man is only a ico scammer, but they are really gonna cry the hell out of it when everything clicks together and comes online. Quotes like:
"I missed the goddamn ICO"
"Never thought he would make it"
"I take my words back, he is no scammer"
will cross this topic.
Think twice: https://ico.komodoplatform.com
There remains the risk that James will disappear and everyone investing will be crying. Is there even anyone who could take over if JL gets hit by a bus? I seriously doubt it. There is enormous risk having a solo anon dev.
Of course, if it is true that I have some special talents, then it is a good thing that funds are being raised for to cover such an unlikely scenario. ALL of the source is open source as I develop it. To my mind this is far less of a risk than any project which isnt open source regardless of how many devs they have.
Also, I am sure that competent C coders like tromp could pick up my codebase without much trouble. I am writing code to existing bitcoin protocol specification for the most part.
I have no plans of disappearing and am VERY careful whenever there are any buses. Believe it or not, I actually dont get out much.