Staking and stacking - it works for me!
keyboard mistake thanks notice us
Status: conflicted, has not been successfully broadcast yet
Date: 6/18/2016 09:56
To: yobit KHgXvFax9d5BrgkXzEzuTU45nwSFxp6Fry
Debit: -50000.00 KUBO
Transaction fee: -0.0065 KUBO
Net amount: -50000.0065 KUBO
Transaction ID: 17a3cc9a9d3c9317d7ec87bba71ff21c2c5e4ec698b0a9ab89233078a02cbdd6
and this
Status: conflicted, has not been successfully broadcast yet
Date: 6/18/2016 09:59
To: yobit KHgXvFax9d5BrgkXzEzuTU45nwSFxp6Fry
Debit: -20000.00 KUBO
Transaction fee: -0.0032 KUBO
Net amount: -20000.0032 KUBO
Transaction ID: fc5bedd9b50dfd0380bfe2c8f347c60e11f11274c6bd413eb12216f58551b294
your problem solve
so what's the deal here why are you saying that my problem was solved?
i think your problem was solve but not any one have that problem, check firewall ,scan, restart pc may be solve then
polo and bittrex exchange soon
keep support and promote kuboscoin
try repairwallet in wallet console.