Please see the info posted with last payout information (previous page). There was an issue with server last shift and we compensated for this with no fees: for both last round and the next round.
You and the other poster, seem however to be having a bigger issue? (Issue was not that big!)
If you need additional help, please contact us in our irc #multipoolmining or send a pm. Without your XLB address we cannot look into any details.
I have 3 R9 280x's running at 2.1Mh/s with about 10% reject rate, I'll wait until the next cycle, but 1.28 XLB is verrrrrrry low.
To me it seems way too low?!
With last shift we paid out 33.09 XLB per 1 million submitted shares.
with 1.28 XLB payout, you submitted only 38.6k shares. With your set-up it must be much higher?!
Please PM your mining address and we can check if something goes wrong with your mining address!