Regarding models - we have a lot partnerships with studios that have over 100 models and they are waiting for Live Stars Beta release.
If you experience any issues with transactions please join our Telegram channel to get quick response from the team. We are now processing large amount of requests, and the quickest way to get to us is through Telegram -
All unsold tokens will be burned. After the sales are completed, we will publish the contract code on etherscan that will be publicly used to burn the tokens.
Thank you for your attention.
Token burning is nowadays one of my most important mottos Another one is beta release by the way. Can't wait to test it!
Burning unsold tokens is a must imo. But beware, not all ICOs do this, sometimes they keep it in some funds.. Glad to see Livestars will burn tokens
that is great. Burning will help reduce supply so price will be moon. good for investors