Which wallet is that? The 1st of May windows wallet? Or is there an even newer version?
I'm using latest from OP 01 May 2014, 11:03:56 6.87 MB (7,209,984 bytes)
It DOES seem to take a long time to start sync. I just thought it had died on me after re-starting the wallet after a day closed down, took nearly an hour to start sync even though it got connections straight away. Now showing block 11084 last generated block 9 mins ago.
I'm not even using a conf file so not manually adding nodes. (just discovering them from hard coded seed nodes?)
VERY nice. Good news, thanks.
But I cannot replicate it yet.
I have just done the same:
Deleted everything in %APPDATA% but wallet.dat , and started Lovecoinrelease\lovecoin-qt.exe (the LoveCoin version v1.6.0.0 of 1st of May which says in the file properties, with 7,209,984 bytes).
After about 2 minutes, it got a connection to the network (without any .conf file), and now, 3 minutes later, it has reached 10000 blocks.
Stuck there, though.
getpeerinfo tells me, I am connected to:
"addr" : "",
"addr" : "",
"addr" : "",
and all are running these versions:
"version" : 60006,
"subver" : "/LoveCoin:0.7.2/",
YarkoL, for a new version, could you please increment some version number, so that we know who is running the newer code?
Who of the long chain users, is willing to provide an always-on node, and publish his IP address here, so that we can addnode-connect to it?
Lovecoindev, please simply provide the longest chain at the hardcoded IP. Thanks.