...was very attacking against Lisk but was changed fundamentally in the last 24 hours. The topic has changed to "Steem as a Smart Contract Platform" (before it was: "Why Lisk is inferior to Ethereum"), there is no single word left about Ethereum and the attacks against Lisk were mitigated. What is left is PR for Steem but nothing special.
Anybody any idea why it was changed that extreme?
Holy shit he changed half the article...
Exactly. It's a totally different article now, with another focus. And I really would like to know why. Maybe he found out to be wrong with his criticism against Lisk. Maybe his account was hacked and the Hacker changed the article. Maybe he was paid to change it or some kind of pressure, maybe it's kind of a PR-Stunt: To generate attention in the Lisk-spotlight with the intention to hype Steem.
But... no scenario I can imagine really makes sense.
Dan has bitter taste in his mouth from his projects not doing as well as he feels they should have and maybe not getting as much attention as they deserve. He may have written that article spur of the moment type deal...not sure....very odd.