I'm sure that some of the people asking for a delay are genuine but there seems to be an organized and perhaps even financially compensated attempt to damage the reputation of LISK.
I'm pretty sure that MichaelWeiner is a paid FUDDER
I don't think that all those asking for a delay really have LISK's best interest at heart.
I could ask for a delay if there will be problems with the nex testnet release, I'm not in hurry to have lisk out earlier than a finish and well working product.
And I wasn't accusing anyone in particular of anything except for that michaeldouche guy with no girlfriend. I just don't trust that all the people calling for a delay are really in it for what's best.
That's true, I'll just give you an example:
I vote for September as release date.
More testnet months are needed to perform a perfect launch.
No rush. Dev,consider to delay please.
Suggest you to launch lisk on september.
No rush, made testnet for at least other few months.
Stabiity is first priority after all.
Take care.
And the FUD moment:
Agree, lisk was a good coin if launched on April 11.
Now boths dao and waves collected more ico funds and seems,i repeat,seems more innovative.
Hype on lisk is basically gone.
I have invested both on lisk and dao, but ihmo,lisk will be dumped hard and never recover,not cause of bad tech,simply cause is not anymore innovative as dao(it seems vitalik buterin is part of team).
God,this thread is useless! Lisk dead.
Sometimes coming here to check development and technical stuff.
What i find is shittie usuless images and ascii pictures.
So sad.