I have a suggestion for you!
What about marking on your spreadsheet those nodes who were artificially increasing their approval%? Since I'm a "legit" node and, like you, my votes are from 100% actual people, no faucet spamming, I think it would be a good idea marking them.
It's NOT a clean game from their side. Regardless of not being able to do such thing when the mainnet releases, they are increasing their visibility in the top 101 table, and this isn't "too legit" IMO.
I could color highlight abnormally high vote approval, I suppose. Wait until Batman comes out with his list and we'll see.
I really don't get this interest in testnet faucet spammers. The testnet faucet Lisk has no value. Faucet Lisk will not be a voting factor on the mainnet.
If you're saying it shows something about personal character that somebody would do it at all, well, maybe I see your point. But everybody has flaws, the key to progress is to go beyond them.
Let ye among you who has not laid his eyes upon porn cast the first stone at the character of a faucet spammer. Lust to have more is in us all and is our core motivator.