yeah i must say that Lisk is really popular
with it being more popular still didnt raise as much as ETH
kinda hard comparison imo
eth had vitalik, the guy is/was a fricken wizard with numbers. just reading his words or listening to him speak makes you think "i need to be close to this guys projects" ;p
made the difference imo. lisk has dudes that are barely seen, use a "LISKHQ" anon account, and have no big dreams or changes. they dont try half as hard as vitalik did imo (tho he has abandoned his community now, and LISK hasent so thats cool, but they havent gotten our money till first forge block so of course they still our friends ;p )
Point made. It is pretty impressive actually how much attention Lisk has managed to get. The success of ETH is certainly a part of it so much of the attention is from investors who are looking to make a hefty profit.
indeed. this is gonna be so interesting, and prob as someone had said earlier "a bloodbath"