What happened at Crypti is that standby delegates were suddenly voted up one day only to discover not only was there no running node server, the person himself had long since left the party and was nowhere to be found.
Wait, a delegate that isn't running a node can be voted in? So, you mean that I can sign up as a delegate and not setup any node, keep my server down in order to save on electricity, etc and then when I get notified that I have been voted up then I will have my chance to turn on my server? In the other hand, if I get voted in and I am not running a server, will I lose my chance right away and the next delegate in stand-by will get the vote?.
At Crypti, a delegate that wasn't running a node could be voted from Standby to Active status. With the current Crypti / Lisk blockchain explorer written by Olivier, there is no indication whether there is a server running or not behind a Standby Delegate. So at Crypti when you voted up a Standby Delegate, you didn't know if there was a computer or even a still-active person behind that Standby Delegate. This was less than ideal, of course, to say the least. One problem was that there wasn't even an email address on file to tell somebody they had just been voted to active status and were now expected to stand up a server node. So basically these new Active Delegates would sit there not forging after they had been voted up and everybody would wait a few days to give them a chance to get their act together before voting them down and trying somebody else.
Look, DPoS is not a magic bullet. It's hard to do it right, and it takes lots of people cooperating and communicating to make it work.
The most frustrating part in DPoS is seeing that there is a problem like an idle Active Delegate, and being personally powerless to fix that problem, and having to wait for votes to show up to fix it. Crypti had a good system in place but not enough people involved to really make it work. Lisk will add lots more people to the mix than Crypti ever had, and significant forging rewards to Active Delegates that Crypti never had. Are these two changes gonna be enough to make DPoS Active Delegate forging work perfectly and smoothly right from the start? My bet is no way. But Max and Olivier (and many others including me) care enough to keep slogging through what ever problems show up and keep Lisk and its DPoS forging going.
You don't want 5 people running 20 nodes each in secret. You don't want 5 people running 20 nodes openly, either, if there are other good candidates who could take some of those slots as Active Delegates. But despite this ideal, you can certainly show up and say you've got 20 servers ready to go if you want. Who knows how people will vote? Maybe you will get them all on line, maybe only some, maybe only one on line. It all depends on the votes.
The reality of the situation is that two people, Max and Olivier, will be setting up the 101 initial Lisk Foundation servers to get the Lisk blockchain going. Max and Olivier will also control around 15% of the Lisk votes in the beginning with the Lisk Foundation funds. This is a huge amount of centralized voting power.
So I see that its not favorable for one single individual to be running like 20 servers because this will be seen as the network being less secure. Okay, so here is my question, instead of one individual running the 20 servers physically in his house under the same ISP IP address, would it then be favorable if this same individual were to run 20 different virtual servers on 20 different data centers and IP addresses? I know its the same individual running the operation, but because each node is on different locations, if something bad happens to node A, node B, C, etc continues to run, I dont see how the network would be less secure despite these nodes having been created by a single individual.
I would be tempted just to run two servers in my house instead of one, just two delegates, would Max and Olivier know that these two servers are under the same IP address? Or, do you know (going by the Cripti experience) if IP addresses gets passed over the network and becomes public knowledge or at least knowledge to anyone whatsoever. I am not asking this question because I am planning to run lots of servers "Secretly" here on my house, I fully understood that this would be view as making the network less secure and because of this I understand and would be refraining from attempting to run lots of servers here physically in my house (so I guess I could say bye bye to what I was thinking -- purchasing 101 $9 computers - even though if I get approval from the Admins I am more than willing to do it since my house is a very secure place and there is nothing to worry about here and with me)
Running lots of servers from many locations under a single mastermind makes the servers themselves more physically secure and more reliable, but still requires greater trust in the mastermind. What if we go from 101 Lisk Foundation nodes to five community masterminds running 20 nodes each, and these five guys are Ethereum supporters who have organized a setup to gain control over Lisk? What if these five guys all shut their servers off simultaneously? The name of the game in blockchain building is trust no one. If you've got to trust somebody, then give as small an amount of trust as possible to as many people as possible, and hope that a majority are worthy of that trust.
Any attempt by you to get more than one node going may receive votes, but it is contrary to the decentralization goal is that Lisk is trying to achieve. I'm not saying that to discourage or demonize you, just to lay the cards out on the table. If you want to try for the votes to run multiple nodes, go for it.
I actually think spending $900 to buy 100 CHIP computers and dispersing these worldwide for free to volunteers that want to run the Lisk backbone is a great idea. I have even suggested this very idea to Max as a way to organize and especially control the switchover from Foundation to Community delegates. He is concerned about getting dedicated people that would actually use such a handout for its intended purpose, and rightly points out an Active Delegate needs to self-declare their intentions and fund their own node as partial proof of their worthiness.
But check my post about "latency" a few pages back on page 89. Just because you want to host a $9 Lisk node at home doesn't mean you will be able to do so. Lisk, like Crypti, has a 10 second block time. This requires some fast communication between 101 computers spread worldwide. If your home internet connection is "slow" in its ping latency, you'll never run a node from there no matter how capable the computer is that you have.
Check out the Crypti blockchain explorer, this shows what the Crypti experience is. Especially check out "Delegate Monitor" under "Tools".
https://cryptichain.lisk.io/Note that the bottom third of the Active Delegates have only received less than 100 XCR in forging fees and all have 13.4% approval (votes). These are all "rocket name" nodes put up by one "mastermind" (one of the Crypti Foundation members) to overcome the drag being produced by a bunch of idle Active Delegates who had been voted up from Standby and never put a Crypti node up. As you can see, even masterminds have been unable to get the Crypti network at "100% online / 100% uptime". It's harder and more trouble than you might think at first.
But let me end on an optimistic note - DPoS does work and Lisk will succeed!
The last few weeks have been very informative on how DPoS works under stress. We had to be careful with voting not to further degrade network performance by inadvertently replacing active delegates which were forging with abandoned delegates from the standby list and to keep delegates active which were owned by community members wanting to continue to forge.
I set up the rocket delegates to replace the non-performing delegates - Cryptikit and Olivier's help made this much, much easier, 48 new delegates in all. Then we coordinated voting and removed non-performing delegates and to keep community run delegates which were still forging. Someone later withdrew 5 million XCR from Polo to an account which still had votes for some of the dead delegates which are now back up in the Active list but not forging. Hopefully that account will send its XCR on to Lisk soon so the non-performing delegates will be replaced with active ones.
At Max's suggestion, Boris added the ability for a delegate to see which accounts voted for him to the Crypti API. This, along with the new Lisk forging rewards, opens up the possibility for delegates to do profit sharing with those who vote for him. What I have in mind is how I originally thought DPoS would operate with Bitshares and should have run with Crypti. I would like to offer to split the delegate earnings with the people who vote for my delegates based on how much they have in the Lisk accounts they vote from on a running basis and how much they dilute their votes by voting for other delegates. So this would be truly a PoS type system where stake holders receive a return on their holdings with a portion going to the delegates they choose to represent them. This will also incentivize people to hold Lisk since it can offer them a return.
Another approach is to use earnings from a delegate to fund public service type dapps which might otherwise be unprofitable to create and run without subsidy.