I would like to know what are the requirements to run a DPoS node?
I am fully qualified and have all the resources it can possibly be needed to run anything on a computer. As a professional computer tech, I can get any hardware that I need in order to get ready for the event, but I will need to know what I will need in advance so that by March 21st I can be fully ready.
I understand that only the first 101 Delegates (or Miners -- seeing it in Bitcoin lingo) will be the ones participating so I would like to know what are the things that will significantly increase my chances of winning the vote as one of these delegates.
Are the delegates responsible for maintaining an absolute 100% (or close to) up time on the node at all times (because if so, I will have no problems complying with this).
Also, I managed to add the signature lines (on the past few days I was adding the signature manually on each post I was doing, but I eventually figured out how to do it properly from the settings).
The Delegates are choosen by the community, so even with 0 Lisk you can become a Delegate, If your in the Top 101 you need indeed uptime or you miss your block and people will eventually remove your vote,
Im going to run for delegate aswell, so Helping the communitie and show that you wanna help is a good start!
Good luck running for Delegate.
Is that true ? There is no bond required to become a delegate ?
Yes that is true, people just need to vote on you then.
But how do you prevent people from running a load of delegates then ?
By getting more votes then them thats the only way.
That doesn't actually make any sense though.
I setup 50 delegates (on the botnet i controll so all vic machines that i don't pay nothing for), come to the forum with my 50 personalities and play nice. What ya gonna do about that ?
Umm those 50 delegates you setup on your botnet are not going to have anything near a 100% uptime, and if you cannot maintain at least a 99.xxx% uptime you aren't going to get voted in.
Reason: Botnet victims doesn't leave their PC on all the time.
But what I will be doing is that I am going to put some of those mountains of motherboard that I have laying around here hooked up with some of those hard drives that I dont use anymore I have on boxes to good use connected to my 200 port cluster of network switch, now that's what I would call at least a 100% uptime guarantee specially with my ultra reliable Verizon FiOS connection.
I picked 50 because you can find 50 machines in any botnet that do have that uptime. But forget that for a second. There is no question that anyone can run a great amount of delegates and nothing stops them from it.
Not saying it will be a huge problem or anything. I'm saying it could be. I didn't think the bond was unreasonable so I was suprised it's gone.
Yeah, I am glad that there isn't any bond this time. I was just doing research on Cripti and over there there was an over 10,000 CXI [I may have gotten their currency symbol wrong, dont have time to check I am in a rush], that you had to bond in order to quality to become a delegate candicate. But with 0 Lisk I can very well become the sole delegate for all those 101 deletages, all 101 delegates under the same IP address under a 100% uptime guarantee, each earning over $55 worth of crypto [per month], NICE!