"Begging for votes ..." and "So who's sinking like a stone?" is definitely not the smart talk style.
Of course, many delegates also need to ask for votes if they don't have the support of large groups.
This is not begging, these are arrangements. And no one should think that he is standing over other delegates.
Among the "sinking stones" are people like Tharude, shlasheks, wannabe and many others and everybody knows how these people have been engaged since February 2016.
So anyone can post his opinion, but please with a little more respect also for other people.
You should consider the entire discussion... I'm not standing over any delegate & respect everyone (particularly those who are long standing members of our community) but when a dear friend of mine get unjustly attacked, I stand up and defend him. That's all. Chapter closed
It does not matter whom you defend, it's about the style of such posts.
And as hmachado said in the chat today:
The cherry on top is your last post, bloating that you are forging and others are not.
Dont you think a Lisk embassador should have a more coherent and neutral aproach?
So I just appeal to a more civilized style.