As of the 26th April 2017 the Lisk Foundation controlled the following fiat and cryptocurrency assets for on-going operations and long-term storage:
1,072,401.79 CHF = 1,104,573 usd
365,768.94 EUR = 409,934 usd
299,949.77 USD = 299,949 usd
9,992.30838103 BTC = 18,985,370 usd
4,369,229.69895737 LSK = 1,310.76 btc or 2,490,444 usd (used .0003 & 1900 to calculate)
25,411,425,528,181 bytes = unkown
current lisk foundation assets: 23,290,270.00 USD
Lisk is in an excellent position to dazzle the world with an SDK that makes Hiroku look like McDonalds.
Those byteballs are worth 6.24 million dollars if we calculate 264 usd per GB according to Coinmarketcap. 25,411,425,528,181 bytes equals 24815845242 kb or 24234223 MB or 23 666 GB times 264 usd per GB equals 6 million two hundred forty seven thousands eight hundred eighty five dollars! 6 247 885 USD worth of byteballs so Lisk foundation now has around 30 million dollars