Bitcoin is valuable because it has a limit 21 million coins, Lisk has unlimited amount of coins. Lisk is not attractive for investment. I talked with many people about Lisk. They don't like unlimited amount of coins and the infinite inflation in Lisk. This is the only reason due to which all afraid to buy Lisk, but Max doesn't want to correct their mistakes. I'm also afraid to buy Lisk. Lisk network consumes very little electricity, no need for a high inflation and unlimited amount of coins.
Looks like the investors forgot to read the specification about Lisk before /during the ICO. Sure!
How is the inflation at Ethereum or Dash? Not attractive... Nobody likes it, sure.
So the price has come down.
And now every user search frantically for some reasons. All you experts want to explain to Max how he has to manage his project. Ridiculous.