Just an aside from my previous post on this thread of me never getting windows 10 and Lisk Nano to work with LISK for xfer etc..
I DID get the new LISK HUB download for windows 10, to work, however (whew!) ..so just deleted Lisk nano...in that it never worked for unknown reasons
anyway, just in case someone else had the same trouble with lisk nano on windows 10 back in the day ...and have not used the lisk hub yet
again, lisk hub for Windows 10 worked just fine.....just to clarify my previous posts on lisk nano not working further up in the thread
So was it all your local problem after all or you are not sure? Does anyone have/had same problem with liskhub or nano and windows 10?
Yeah, it was just local with lisk nano for me...was tossing it out here in case others had this problem to tell them that the windows 10 version of lisk hub
worked just fine....probably overkill...but seems it was only me...wakes a person up when Lisk nano says 0 funds...then when I got on lisk hub a month ago
on the web version ..all was fine....anyway, the NEW lisk hub download for windows seems to have solved my problem ..(if just my problem I may have
been just talking to myself) anyway, why I tossed the info up before I tried lisk hub windows version (I just needed my hand held I guess)