Let's not "forget" about a lot of leverage in the Bitcion Bank. That's A Big Thing...
ETH took more than a year to build things and LISK is only few weeks old.
Give it some time and see what they come up with.
The Lisk Bitcoin Bank of 14,000 BTC * 450 USD / BTC at the end of Lisk ICO was initially worth $6.3M. That Bank is now worth 14,000 * 650 USD / BTC = $9.1M only 100 days later. So the tangible Lisk Foundation assets have gone up by around $30K per day since the end of ICO. Lisk has been lucky - it collected BTC that have drastically gone up in value during its first three months.
In contrast, the Ethereum ICO ended September 1, 2014 with around $18.5M in their Ethernet Bitcoin Bank, when BTC was around 380 USD / BTC. Four months later Bitcoin had lost value and had crashed to under 220 USD /BTC. Ethereum was unlucky, and lost almost half of their crowdfunding resources in this crash, as Vitalik has acknowledged, dropping to under $10M in assets.
Lisk now has at July 2016 about the same in-the-bank resources that Ethereum did have in December 2014, at the same three-month point in their respective development cycles. So...what did Ethereum dol in their first six months after their ICO? Here's a post with their roadmap dated March 14, 2015:
https://blog.ethereum.org/2015/03/14/ethereum-the-first-year/ When you read this, keep the following rough synchronization calendar in mind:
APR 2016 = SEP 2014 = end of ICO
MAY 2016 = OCT 2014
JUN 2016 = NOV 2014
JUL 2016 = DEC 2014
AUG 2016 = JAN 2015
SEP 2016 = FEB 2015
OCT 2016 = MAR 2015
Comparisons are interesting - but Lisk will follow its own path to success.