1. Why do we all think that java script apps on the Lisk blockchain will get Lisk to the moon? I mean you can build java script apps anywhere on the regular hosting, except in this case they will all be built on decentralized network which is cool but is it enought to make Lisk to the moon? Max is a great guy i see he's doing a lot of work recently spreading the word about Lisk all over the world, but currently Lisk is just another crypto without content (dapps). For example you have a lot of stuff already being built on the Ethereum network such as Digix, Eterex, Augur etc. Can we expect Lisk to attract such projects? And why would someone choose Lisk and not Ethereum for such project? Is Lisk more attractive then Ethereum technicaly for some other kind of big projects, and if yes which kind of projects?
2. I think it's good to have coins capped when it comes to inflation, but how many out of 100 million are currently in the circulation? If not all, is there any timeframe about releasing all coins into circulation?
1. There is a general widespread belief dapps ("distributed apps") are The Next Big Thing. However, the only thing special about a "dapp" over a current "app" is use of a blockchain for information storage. So the first requirement is to come up with a Great Idea that requires use of a blockchain. Next, you have to come up with a programming language to write that dapp. ETH uses Solidity. This is an experimental new language that is very complex, has very few programmers that understand it, and writes buggy, unstable and even dangerous code that enabled the recent DAO hack. Javascript has been around for decades, has tens of thousands of programmers that use it, and while buggy code in JS is still a possibility (OK, a certainty), at least the bugs are far less obscure than in Solidity. Plus, JS is the "face of the internet" and so Lisk has a head-start in that sense to develop dapps that many people can use via familiar web-based interfaces. ETH/Solidity has staked out the high-end financial/banking world with its high security requirements - and has shown by the recent DAO disaster they have a LONG way, years and years to go, before they get there. Lisk/JS has staked out the lower-end consumer/individual world to develop useful tools for people. THere's more opportunities and more programmers to develop them in the Lisk / JS world than there are in the ETH/Solidity world - and in the Lisk world, those opportunities are going to be realized faster and earlier.
2. I think there's around 35M Lisk stored by owners over on Polo (30M cold wallet, 5M hot wallet, see: https://lisktools.io/accounts.php ) and at any given time 4M-5M of those Lisk are up for sale to individual buyers (see https://poloniex.com/exchange#btc_lsk ). Note this means 60-65% of Lisk is being held as a long-term investment (by people like me) instead of being "dumped" for a quick ICO profit. There looks like a lot of up and down motion in Lisk but if you construct a graph with the data it turns out Lisk price has been remarkably stable between 0.30-0.35 USD per Lisk and what is happening is that the Lisk price is tracking the ups and downs of Bitcoin price in a stable manner rather than flop all over the place or head down on a steady decline. It is obvious (at least to me) some very heavy hitters believe in Lisk for the long-term and are working behind the scenes to support its price and buy more and more when Lisk is "cheap" relative to BTC.
Nice post MalReynolds!