
Topic: [ANN][LTC][BTC][NMC][Pool][PPLNS] - - P2Pool Multi-Mining Pool (Read 10847 times)

Activity: 1140
Merit: 1000
The Real Jude Austin
Thank you for that.

Is there anything else that needs to be brought to my attention?

I really need to make an FAQ page with better explanation or perhaps use some mouse-over text boxes.

The problem is I am not very good at explaining things myself and I typically end up leaving the person even more confused, lol.

And is a one man show, one man, two servers, lol.

So things get a little crazy at times but my main goal is to keep the pools running then I tend to the pretty stuff.

Again thanks for the explanation above and if you ever have any questions/concerns you can message me on here or via the widget on
full member
Activity: 213
Merit: 100
It has been a while since I have posted or contacted on issues and think it's about time to post ( my view ) on the per coin page and what it means.
This is not meant to put down in any way, not meant to cause friction, it is meant to assist with what is missing in the Q.A. page.

First pick any currency as they all are displayed in the same manner.
From the top, you get a nice chart of the pools hash rate ( if you are currently mining, your average is in there too )

Now down the main part: ( Luckycoin was picked on for this example on Aug. 21 2013 in case it gets removed or picks up from being a dying coin.)

Local rate 13.8kH/s (0.0% DOA)       
how fast the pool is as a percent vs insta dead shares, lower DOA the better, more chance of the pool submitting a block.

Expected time to share 0.0212 hours (1.27 minutes)
how fast the average share is found, tied to hash rate and dificulty, miners with slow or older equipment will get lower payouts from blocks if their submitted shares still count.

Shares    70547 total (3 orphaned, 31671 dead) Efficiency: 55.10%
The one that counts, low dead, bigger shot at a block submitted that will mean a payout for all that mining, as you can see, near impossible with almost 50% dead shares.
Payout if a block were found NOW 1.87659722 LKY
Verry badly worded estimate of per share ( still valid shares ) and the current block value.

Pool rate    36.2kH/s (0.0% DOA+orphan)
How fast the total pool is, faster means more shares for you, faster pool, more blocks the pool submits.
Share difficulty 0.000244
current math issue that your miner deals with ( refer elsewhere for hash difficulty, or web search it). higher means older, more established coin, some heavy miners won't touch a coin with less than 1 for difficulty.

Node uptime 32.557 (781.376 hours)
how long it's been since server side reset, longer, more likely what you've submitted wasn't lost over the last few blocks.
Peers 0 out, 0 in
miner count as in how many ' new ' miner shares submitted kicked out ' old ' miners submitted shares.  With this example, me soloing to get this data, and someone with more than dual 8600GT cards ( not connected ) could push me out of contention and it would change to 1 out (me) 1 in ( them ) assuming that there was also more than just 2 miners ( no idea on what the server can do for miner limit )

Current block value 88.60000000000001 LKY
The ' jackpot' value if the block was submitted NOW ( changes fast and often due to other pools/solo-miners/blockinfo sending charge/ect.  durning the mining process )

Then the graphs:
nope, no pic, sorry.
left: 55% good, 44% bad, 1% orphaned. higher good, better chance of Block.

Right: global speed ( the whole world in peer to peer mining )
local speed ( the pool Vs the world and dead speed )
Dead speed ( what speed suddenly died, logged out, rebooted, etc )

low dead is good, high local is good, world speed over 50% bad.

Hope this info on helps someone out and they feel generous enough to donate Smiley

If you get Luckycoin, feel free to send a few to me at LHe9g5ixMyfdtqAEHU5vErG1eQrDshBFRW

Activity: 1140
Merit: 1000
The Real Jude Austin
Hey Jude, i've some questions for you.

first of all: i started cpu mining for litecoin yesterday on your pool with an intel i7 cpu, and a 24 core Xeon CPU, from the logs i see an hashrate of ~45Kh/s for the i7 and ~95Kh/s for the Xeon, but if i point my browser to the statistic page i see that my hashrate is 0.33 Kh/s  Huh maybe there's something wrong into your scripts?

Second thing: i still do not see any payout into the statistic page, and i submitted several shares. Am i doing something wrong?

I'm mining with minerd on linux without extra parameters only username (LQYvmK2gPzB9KVtA2vNQJj2Qn84f6bLcv6) and url (

You are showing up on the graphs but your hash rate is very inconsistent.

Activity: 7
Merit: 0
Hey Jude, i've some questions for you.

first of all: i started cpu mining for litecoin yesterday on your pool with an intel i7 cpu, and a 24 core Xeon CPU, from the logs i see an hashrate of ~45Kh/s for the i7 and ~95Kh/s for the Xeon, but if i point my browser to the statistic page i see that my hashrate is 0.33 Kh/s  Huh maybe there's something wrong into your scripts?

Second thing: i still do not see any payout into the statistic page, and i submitted several shares. Am i doing something wrong?

I'm mining with minerd on linux without extra parameters only username (LQYvmK2gPzB9KVtA2vNQJj2Qn84f6bLcv6) and url (
Activity: 1140
Merit: 1000
The Real Jude Austin

Thanks for the heads up!

I need to add all the altcoins to Forrests new update and I will switch it over.

I really hate shutting the pool down tho, but it has to be done.
Activity: 1140
Merit: 1000
The Real Jude Austin
I have no control over payments.

None, nothing, zilch, nada.

I literally run P2Pool with my fee setting and that is it, which can always be checked by going to

The only way I could ever steal payments is if I shut down the pool, set the fee to 100, and started it back up, very noticeable.

At that point it wouldn't even show payouts to miners on the payout tab.

I probably would be a little more excited to help if you didn't come off as a tool bag and accuse me of stealing.

I believe you are doing maybe 30Kh/s total.

Which is almost nothing, again, probably the reason you haven't seen payment is because you aren't putting enough work in.

I've never stolen anything from anyone and I don't plan on it.

I don't really know what else to tell you.

As for missing information and all of that, Google is your friend.

A good amount of miners don't mine at my pool because I rip them off, ya dig?
full member
Activity: 213
Merit: 100
you may want to add this info for your web page so others know there is a GUIMiner-Scrypt out there that does CUDA Mining for the Nvidia cards out there
full member
Activity: 213
Merit: 100
with both GUIMiner and CGMiner running overnight ( 8+ hours ) there were confirmed shares at my end.  One would assume that if, somehow, I could send and recive confirmation of shares THAT the miner is working and set up properly.  The lack of payment and the lack of assistance to find out WHY there is no payment and why the FAQ page has the following in the questions/answers "

Q: What is PPLNS?
A: Pay-Per-Last-N-Shares is a payout method that is completely resistant to pool hoppers.


and still no payment, or if somehow Terracoins and LiteCoins are NOT PPLNS is of no assistance.
I've looked over ' server side pool setups ' and how easy it is to set up any coin, have miners in a pool, and totaly scam them by not even paying them.  With this issue not resolved, it's looking more and more like anyone under a certain range of hash power is going to fall in to the same catagory as myself and be on the recieving end of the scam.
full member
Activity: 213
Merit: 100

set up CGMINER and changed the recomended setting to 0 and still get the following for the Terracoin mining

[2013-05-27 21:12:57] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:05] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:20] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart

[2013-05-27 21:13:37] Accepted 42bf140a Diff 3/1 GPU 1 pool 0

[2013-05-27 21:18:05] Accepted 74c10ee3 Diff 2/1 GPU 1 pool 0


Like I said, switch to a pool that is pay per share.

Simple as that.

so, in plain English ' thank you for making me rich due to your low hash rate, you get squat for your time ' Huh

You made me rich, how?

If you didn't generate enough in shares to get paid out, then I would get 2% of that.

So you do the math 2% of 0 = what?

Just because you are not capable of setting your gear up properly doesn't make me a thief.

I am telling you in plain English to go to some other "trustworthy" pool since mine is -5 on your trust scale.

That's all.

and your assistance in getting my system set up ' properly ' so that shares counted to me getting something so you get your 2% and not 100% has been of great assistance.   The mining of Terracoins as a good example, I left that overnight using GUIMiner on exactly what your page said to set ' your favorite miner ' and... nada.... used your pages settings for cg miner and again nada
No mention of any ' extra software ' or ' due to the over 1gHash/sec for Terracoins there is a chance ya get nada.  40 hours of mining with an average of 6MHash/sec gone to waste as far as I can tell from your payouts.

I highly recomend editing your FAQ section to include more information on ' how to set up your equipment '
Activity: 1140
Merit: 1000
The Real Jude Austin

set up CGMINER and changed the recomended setting to 0 and still get the following for the Terracoin mining

[2013-05-27 21:12:57] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:05] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:20] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart

[2013-05-27 21:13:37] Accepted 42bf140a Diff 3/1 GPU 1 pool 0

[2013-05-27 21:18:05] Accepted 74c10ee3 Diff 2/1 GPU 1 pool 0


Like I said, switch to a pool that is pay per share.

Simple as that.

so, in plain English ' thank you for making me rich due to your low hash rate, you get squat for your time ' Huh

You made me rich, how?

If you didn't generate enough in shares to get paid out, then I would get 2% of that.

So you do the math 2% of 0 = what?

Just because you are not capable of setting your gear up properly doesn't make me a thief.

I am telling you in plain English to go to some other "trustworthy" pool since mine is -5 on your trust scale.

That's all.
full member
Activity: 213
Merit: 100

set up CGMINER and changed the recomended setting to 0 and still get the following for the Terracoin mining

[2013-05-27 21:12:57] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:05] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:20] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart

[2013-05-27 21:13:37] Accepted 42bf140a Diff 3/1 GPU 1 pool 0

[2013-05-27 21:18:05] Accepted 74c10ee3 Diff 2/1 GPU 1 pool 0


Like I said, switch to a pool that is pay per share.

Simple as that.

so, in plain English ' thank you for making me rich due to your low hash rate, you get squat for your time ' Huh
Activity: 1140
Merit: 1000
The Real Jude Austin

set up CGMINER and changed the recomended setting to 0 and still get the following for the Terracoin mining

[2013-05-27 21:12:57] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:05] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:20] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart

[2013-05-27 21:13:37] Accepted 42bf140a Diff 3/1 GPU 1 pool 0

[2013-05-27 21:18:05] Accepted 74c10ee3 Diff 2/1 GPU 1 pool 0


Like I said, switch to a pool that is pay per share.

Simple as that.
full member
Activity: 213
Merit: 100

set up CGMINER and changed the recomended setting to 0 and still get the following for the Terracoin mining

[2013-05-27 21:12:57] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:05] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:20] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart

[2013-05-27 21:13:37] Accepted 42bf140a Diff 3/1 GPU 1 pool 0

[2013-05-27 21:18:05] Accepted 74c10ee3 Diff 2/1 GPU 1 pool 0



Litecoin - MinerD -"C:\Program Files\Litecoin\miner\minerd.exe"  -r 1 -t 1  --scrypt -o -U nybbler905.1:x

Terracoin - GUIMiner - no extra settings -   port:9322 username 1NgUiySXubVYrYQiRKbrP2QFMRijMCdt4Z

[2nd Edit] copy/pasted from the wrong minerd the only difference is the -o -U LS7FEfu9ajp3NQcDjui9TSKscwQesj9i8k
Activity: 1140
Merit: 1000
The Real Jude Austin
If you are using an address from an exchange then you will never see payout.

I have it clearly stating on the site do NOT use exchange addresses.

The way most exchanges have it setup they do not recognize generated payments or mined transactions.

So that could be the issue on why you haven't seen a payment.

You need to use the address from the client on your computer to receive these payments.

Another thing is that you get paid per last number of shares submitted.

Say you submit 600 shares on the current block, well, you won't receive payment for that until a new block is started.

So if the coin you are mining is still on the same block, that could be the issue also.

I have no control over payments, P2Pool handles all of that on it's own.

Sorry that you feel like you can't trust my pool, honestly, there isn't much I have control over other then setting a few things in terms of configuration.

the -QT for my Litecoin and Terracoin wallets means they are not ' exchange ' wallets, they are on my system.

My Litecoin wallet ( litecoin-QT ) shows no mined anything and I am still having issues getting Terracoin-QT to sync with the network.

After several hours of mining and refreshing from the page for Terracoins, the ' last blocks ' page updated showing that tere was new blocks so what you say means that the found shares should have been paid out.... and my address should have shown in the paidout tab as well...
it should also have something show in the
 and not just show "
Mining Stats
Hashrate:    9.233 Gh/s
Your Hashrate:    0 Gh/s
Your Current Payout:    TRC

Exchange TRC @ "

So, what settings do I need for GUIMiner to actually show and me get paid to mine at  Is there some p2pool software I should HAVE on my end to allow me to get paid?  To have it show THAT the shares I sent in ARE counting?  GUIMiner said over 14 shares for Terracoin and I have yet to see my Terracoin-QT address show in the payments tab or even online for my address to show transactions ( including mining ) of anything past the ONE faucet transaction that got me in to this alt coin.

[EDIT] just counted how many ' last blocks ' are on and it's 10 PAST when I stopped LTC mining, my litecoin-qt wallet is up to date, using the transactions view, drop down selected to all, I see my transactions and there are no mining, setting to mined it shows blank.  Last Block at this time is
 136156   Tue May 28 2013 12:39:12 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)   000000000000e5861193d7bb69912823723e262b48b100d042a0e7c916c80165

last block before i turned off the miner was one of these 2

135711   Mon May 27 2013 19:39:42 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)   000000000001c33936ed86a36e29ce086d19f9b9d8b68515c436e5ad1d6b07cf   .
135593   Mon May 27 2013 15:33:57 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)   000000000001df95e414c2eb135f5fb5360d08b388059b399230d6cd75480ac9

What is your entire setup?

Are you using the proper algorithm for the coin?

Are you running Scrypt for Litecoin?

SHA-256 for Terracoin?

Are you using the proper ports for the coin?

Litecoin mining should be set to

Terracoin mining should be set to

What does GUIMiner say your hash rate is?

You are using the address as the username when connecting with GUIMiner?

If your hash rate is low that also can account for not seeing payment, if you aren't using a GPU to mine your best bet would be to find a pay per share pool.

Sorry I mentioned the exchange I just saw from your last post Vircurex in there.
full member
Activity: 213
Merit: 100
If you are using an address from an exchange then you will never see payout.

I have it clearly stating on the site do NOT use exchange addresses.

The way most exchanges have it setup they do not recognize generated payments or mined transactions.

So that could be the issue on why you haven't seen a payment.

You need to use the address from the client on your computer to receive these payments.

Another thing is that you get paid per last number of shares submitted.

Say you submit 600 shares on the current block, well, you won't receive payment for that until a new block is started.

So if the coin you are mining is still on the same block, that could be the issue also.

I have no control over payments, P2Pool handles all of that on it's own.

Sorry that you feel like you can't trust my pool, honestly, there isn't much I have control over other then setting a few things in terms of configuration.

the -QT for my Litecoin and Terracoin wallets means they are not ' exchange ' wallets, they are on my system.

My Litecoin wallet ( litecoin-QT ) shows no mined anything and I am still having issues getting Terracoin-QT to sync with the network.

After several hours of mining and refreshing from the page for Terracoins, the ' last blocks ' page updated showing that tere was new blocks so what you say means that the found shares should have been paid out.... and my address should have shown in the paidout tab as well...
it should also have something show in the
 and not just show "
Mining Stats
Hashrate:    9.233 Gh/s
Your Hashrate:    0 Gh/s
Your Current Payout:    TRC

Exchange TRC @ "

So, what settings do I need for GUIMiner to actually show and me get paid to mine at  Is there some p2pool software I should HAVE on my end to allow me to get paid?  To have it show THAT the shares I sent in ARE counting?  GUIMiner said over 14 shares for Terracoin and I have yet to see my Terracoin-QT address show in the payments tab or even online for my address to show transactions ( including mining ) of anything past the ONE faucet transaction that got me in to this alt coin.

[EDIT] just counted how many ' last blocks ' are on and it's 10 PAST when I stopped LTC mining, my litecoin-qt wallet is up to date, using the transactions view, drop down selected to all, I see my transactions and there are no mining, setting to mined it shows blank.  Last Block at this time is
 136156   Tue May 28 2013 12:39:12 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)   000000000000e5861193d7bb69912823723e262b48b100d042a0e7c916c80165

last block before i turned off the miner was one of these 2

135711   Mon May 27 2013 19:39:42 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)   000000000001c33936ed86a36e29ce086d19f9b9d8b68515c436e5ad1d6b07cf   .
135593   Mon May 27 2013 15:33:57 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)   000000000001df95e414c2eb135f5fb5360d08b388059b399230d6cd75480ac9

For the 2 Terracoin shares in my previous post ( copied from CGMiner and pasted in to the post ) they fall around this block that I didn't get paid for and the post SHOWS the full CGminer line to show that they were from me

135835   Mon May 27 2013 23:43:20 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)   000000000000859111063c1e1f75d3bb90a01a9a489fb57a536524693d2b50c1
Activity: 1140
Merit: 1000
The Real Jude Austin
If you are using an address from an exchange then you will never see payout.

I have it clearly stating on the site do NOT use exchange addresses.

The way most exchanges have it setup they do not recognize generated payments or mined transactions.

So that could be the issue on why you haven't seen a payment.

You need to use the address from the client on your computer to receive these payments.

Another thing is that you get paid per last number of shares submitted.

Say you submit 600 shares on the current block, well, you won't receive payment for that until a new block is started.

So if the coin you are mining is still on the same block, that could be the issue also.

I have no control over payments, P2Pool handles all of that on it's own.

Sorry that you feel like you can't trust my pool, honestly, there isn't much I have control over other then setting a few things in terms of configuration.

full member
Activity: 213
Merit: 100
over 24 hours mining Terracoin, lots of shares went in to the pool, and NADA on my end, no show for payouts ( payouts page seems ' stuck ' on the same group of people ) and, of course, my Terracoin wallet is once again behind and not updating.... going from 0 to max of 2 connections before it's back to 0 and no downloading blocks.

Litecoin-qt is up to date, and NADA for the blocks i've found there either.  ZIP for mining, only the 1 transaction from a LTC faucet that took a week to get me a grand total of 0.01003999 LTC

One of the most fustrating parts of the Q/A page is there is no real info to check that the settings i'm using are actually connecting and count AT the pool, when there is a submitted block, it either sticks to the last hash rate from pre-submit or randomly checks until 30 min is up and a PPLS pool would have stuck it in the list to be payed later. At that point, gets back to showing no payout pending or otherwise, and my speed back to blank.

My Trust in this pool is now at (rounded to nearest full number, MINUS 5 ) between the obvious connection at my end, the obvious at my end submission of shares and the not verry obvious i'll ever be paid for the mining from the site.
full member
Activity: 213
Merit: 100
Spent a few days with GUIMiner pointed at with wallet 1NgUiySXubVYrYQiRKbrP2QFMRijMCdt4Z
miner showed alot of shares, nada showing up in the payouts tab. The Stats tab kept changing the shares ( increasing ) and the number in the brackets would go up and down ( assume last good shares that count at payout ).  I am still having issues with the Terracoin-qt wallet NOT getting any blocks, let alone getting close to updates.

I also have been having the same issue with LTC mining using MinerD.exe, LiteCoin-QT wallet mining and a few other miners showing i've sent shares and nada showing up in either my wallet or the payments tab. LS7FEfu9ajp3NQcDjui9TSKscwQesj9i8k opens a nice new window....

example of what i see ( as the hash rate varies only, the rest is exactly cut and pasted )

Pool statistics
Hashrate:    21.197 Mh/s
Your Hashrate:    0 Kh/s
Your Current Payout:    LTC

Exchange LTC @

WHAT am I doing wrong?


set up CGMINER and changed the recomended setting to 0 and still get the following for the Terracoin mining

[2013-05-27 21:12:57] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:05] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
[2013-05-27 21:13:20] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart

[2013-05-27 21:13:37] Accepted 42bf140a Diff 3/1 GPU 1 pool 0

[2013-05-27 21:18:05] Accepted 74c10ee3 Diff 2/1 GPU 1 pool 0
Activity: 1140
Merit: 1000
The Real Jude Austin
I have been mining on your feathercoin pool for almost 24 hours without 1 single payout. Any idea what is going on? I will switch to somewhere else until I figure out how much time and energy was wasted while I was not home.

I believe there is an issue with Feathercoin at the moment.

I have updated the client for the new upcoming fork already.

I have no control over payments at all.

I believe the issue is because Feathercoins blockchain has stopped or is really slow.

I am very sorry for this issue.
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