It has been a while since I have posted or contacted on issues and think it's about time to post ( my view ) on the per coin page and what it means.
This is not meant to put down in any way, not meant to cause friction, it is meant to assist with what is missing in the Q.A. page.
First pick any currency as they all are displayed in the same manner.
From the top, you get a nice chart of the pools hash rate ( if you are currently mining, your average is in there too )
Now down the main part: ( Luckycoin was picked on for this example on Aug. 21 2013 in case it gets removed or picks up from being a dying coin.)
Local rate 13.8kH/s (0.0% DOA)
how fast the pool is as a percent vs insta dead shares, lower DOA the better, more chance of the pool submitting a block.
Expected time to share 0.0212 hours (1.27 minutes)
how fast the average share is found, tied to hash rate and dificulty, miners with slow or older equipment will get lower payouts from blocks if their submitted shares still count.
Shares 70547 total (3 orphaned, 31671 dead) Efficiency: 55.10%
The one that counts, low dead, bigger shot at a block submitted that will mean a payout for all that mining, as you can see, near impossible with almost 50% dead shares.
Payout if a block were found NOW 1.87659722 LKY
Verry badly worded estimate of per share ( still valid shares ) and the current block value.
Pool rate 36.2kH/s (0.0% DOA+orphan)
How fast the total pool is, faster means more shares for you, faster pool, more blocks the pool submits.
Share difficulty 0.000244
current math issue that your miner deals with ( refer elsewhere for hash difficulty, or web search it). higher means older, more established coin, some heavy miners won't touch a coin with less than 1 for difficulty.
Node uptime 32.557 (781.376 hours)
how long it's been since server side reset, longer, more likely what you've submitted wasn't lost over the last few blocks.
Peers 0 out, 0 in
miner count as in how many ' new ' miner shares submitted kicked out ' old ' miners submitted shares. With this example, me soloing to get this data, and someone with more than dual 8600GT cards ( not connected ) could push me out of contention and it would change to 1 out (me) 1 in ( them ) assuming that there was also more than just 2 miners ( no idea on what the server can do for miner limit )
Current block value 88.60000000000001 LKY
The ' jackpot' value if the block was submitted NOW ( changes fast and often due to other pools/solo-miners/blockinfo sending charge/ect. durning the mining process )
Then the graphs:
nope, no pic, sorry.
left: 55% good, 44% bad, 1% orphaned. higher good, better chance of Block.
Right: global speed ( the whole world in peer to peer mining )
local speed ( the pool Vs the world and dead speed )
Dead speed ( what speed suddenly died, logged out, rebooted, etc )
low dead is good, high local is good, world speed over 50% bad.
Hope this info on helps someone out and they feel generous enough to donate

If you get Luckycoin, feel free to send a few to me at LHe9g5ixMyfdtqAEHU5vErG1eQrDshBFRW