I've found private keys with Iancoleman, but the address I found there starts with "2". However, my addresses in Coinomi start with "btx1q". When I lookup the receiving transactions on
https://chainz.cryptoid.info/btx, it shows one address that indeed starts with btx1q, but the other 2 start with wkh_.
I'm kinda clueless how to find the correct addresses using Iancoleman now.
Bench32 addressesBitcoin 1bc...
Bitcore btx...
Thanks for this, I've found the addresses as shown in Coinomi through IanColeman's site (although the start and end are different):
IanColeman gives this address: bitcore1
Coinomi gives this address: btx1
So IanColeman uses the wrong prefix which leads to an incorrect checksum. If anyone wants to report this (through Github?): feel free to
According to the block explorer when I follow the transaction link in Coinomi, some addresses start with wkh_. See
this example. Coinomi shows the correct address starting with btx1q. Is this a bug in the explorer website?
I've always had a very hard time installing the full BitCore wallet on Linux. Yesterday I tried the Windows version using
Wine, and this worked without problems. The privkeys as produced by IanColeman restored the correct addresses, even though the Blockchain Explorer shows
Invalid address.