Maximine Coin (MXM)
Counterparty (XCP)
They can do %10000 but you won't be able to cash out. The moment you try to get more than $2-3k for your coins, the markets will tank like there is no tomorrow.
This one has only $2k trading volume in the last 24 hours.
That one looks like it has a $4.7 million volume but if you see the markets section you'll see %99.81 of the volume is coming from only one exchange. Coinbene. A shitcoin exchange which is famous for wash trading and fake volume.* Its fake volume is also manipulating the Bitcoin trading volumes on CMC. This is not a real exchange real people use. It is a scam.
MXM's real volume is no more than $5-7k
If you get out of the top20 list when you are investing in shitcoins, pray that your investment won't become $1 million one day. You better get out when it becomes $5-10k.
And what relation has all that to Bitcore project?
Now the situation with BTX is follows: no enough trading volume, no liquidity. And this is the result of unknown future of BTX