Find error in BTX work.
Balance and transactions history inside wallet different than in the explorer.
Sent message (from the site) to dev's.
My personal missed amount of BTX was small (just 0.2BTX) but such thing must be cured before BTX grow up.
Your wallet software generates a new address (change address) when sending a transaction. Some of your funds might be "lost" there. These funds are not actually lost, they are just invisible - unless you activate coin control.
Read more about it here:
Coin Control Guide (pdf)Note: BTX never gets lost. 0.00000000 BTX were lost in the past. I doubt it is starting now.
Yeah, that's the reason why I lost some coins in the previous airdrop, I mean I didn't receive airdrop on my change address since I didn't register it. But the good part is I figured it out all by my own. And I have a question or rather a proposal. Why not use the same address for change by default? What's the point in creating new address each time unless you specifically set it in the Coin Control field?
I wouldn't consider myself an expert on the topic, however I think that generating a new address (change address) for every outgoing transaction that does not spend 100% of its inputs has always been considered "best practice" in Bitcoin. This way you set a basic layer of anonymity when interacting with the blockchain. For example when you send 50 BTX from an address with 150 BTX in total, no one can know if you send 50 or 100 BTX and which amount you kept for yourself.
My personal opinion: Better to have a high crypto standard with a slightly more complicated way of use, than sacrifying fundamentals. We are still in a stage of cryptocurrencies where it is important to teach people about some underlying mechanics for blockchain/crypto tech. Of course this may change in the following years, when crypto finally becomes mainstream and even my grandma wants to use it.
Until then we build a strong foundation for our community.
BUT: We have had some internal discussions about it and may indeed give a warning message when a transaction with a new change address is generated or even change the default mode of the send function.
I think issuing a warning would do just fine
To tell the truth, I even freaked out a little when I first saw change moved to some address which I had no clue about, though I could see that my total balance in the wallet didn't change a penny, minus coins sent, naturally. If these change addresses are mine, which should obviously be the case, how can I see their private keys? I got rid of them by collecting the coins from there into my addresses which I registered with the airdrop, but I still want to know how to deal with them. Is it possible to add these addresses to the list of addresses which I have under the Receiving Addresses menu?