Please step up your game in regards to communication. You have to be much more precise and explicit with your announcements and the whole communication.
Vague wording leads only to confusion and in the end to the most dangerous thing in crpytocurrency uncertainty and unsecurity. Security is the main concept of crpytocurrencies. So please choose your words more wisely and/or ask a native speaker (obviously I'm not one) to help you.
Some examples:
https://bitcore.cc/airdrop.php If you mean address then write address and not wallet. You can't sign a message referencing to a bitcore wallet. A wallet is not an address and vice versa. We could have here much less questions about the confusion for what to sign and how, if wallet would be replace by address in this context
- same page, "PLEASE ENTER YOUR SIGN MESSAGE WITH THE TEXT "AIRDROP", what do you mean by that? I can't really figure out what a "sign message" is. A signed message I know. I know a signature (message signed with a specific key), which is exactly what you want. So perhaps you could write "Please, sign the message "AIRDROP" (without the quotes) with the private key of the address you put in above, and put in here the signature. To sign messages please use your local client. Instructions how to do so can be found here (link)." And please offer first a GUI solution, if it's there. I don't get why you are not communicating officially that at least your qt-Client can do that completely in the GUI, without having to use the console.
I myself am a coder and linux user. I know my way around using the console and know why it's mostly superior to GUIs in context of speed and security. But most of your users don't and they put money on the line with your idea, so I think you are obliged to provide them with most simple and secure option to do s.th. you are asking them for.
- Despite that it's no the most simple way, your instructions assume the wallet is not encrypted. That shouldn't be the case and you especially shouldn't encourage this by putting instructions out there which don't put in consideration your wallet is encrypted.
- new announcement regarding the aidrops and claiming service, "REMEMBER : The claiming at bitcore.cc from the April snapshot will end exactly November, the 2nd, 2017, 12 pm CEST (UTC +2). ", There is just no place on earth where on the 2nd of Nov CEST is the actual timezone. If you look at your clocks in germany and see midnight on 2nd Nov you will be one hour late to the time you stated. You mean CET.
And these are just the ones which came to my mind without actually searching for errors. They might look like little slip ups but they all contribute to confuse people and confusion is what you least want. Because confusion lowers the most valuable thing in cryptocurreny which is absolute trust.
So please the next time you put some wording out there, please think twice about it and please ask some native speaker to look over the words. Thank you, I really like the project and so I hope with my constructive criticism I can help to make it a little bit better.