I think there is a confusion btween the people included me about the BTC holders on 2nd of november.
So is it 1 Btc for 0,5 Btx or %50 in Btx of the value of 1 Btc( example 1 Btc $5500= $2750 in Btx) ?
I still think that is the second option... Can somebody confirm?
Thank you!
Option 1. 1BTC=0.5BTX
The other one would be nealry impossible.
Isn't it better to exchange a few bitcoins for 100BTX and get the 25% airdrop on it? 0.5btx on 1btc isn't a good deal.
Bitcoin is expensive, who want to hold 1 units BTC and get 0.50 BTX?
Might as well buy 6000$ worth of BTX and get the special airdrop on it?
That's my point
. Everyone is concerned about exposing the private keys for 50% airdrop! Don't do it if you can't trust it! Why get $3-$5 on $6000 worth of a bitcoin
BTC. It's better to buy or exchange BTC
BTC for BTX and then get special airdrop!
You can get about 600BTX for 1
Which means:600
BTX X 25% AIRDROP = 150
The compounding airdrops after that will really add up here, an 11 million market cap for BTX is still ridiculously low for the total coin supply... I imagine we're going to hit $50+... if you hold 100BTX right now when the 25% hits... and then hold then for a full year... you'll have over 12,000 BTX .... thats over $100,000.00 at todays prices... $600,000.00 at $50
I sure hope you pay someone to do your taxes. Don’t know where your getting 12,000 BTX from 100 BTX based on airdrops. There isn’t a chance in hell your gaining 12,000 percent on airdrops that start at 3% and increase by 1% each month.
I half assed it when figuring it out and went all the way to 15%, its not rocket science though man:
- 3% - 100 ÷ 3% = 33.3333
Week #1 (100 BTX Starting balance + 25% special airdrop): 125 BTX
Week #2: 125 + 3.75000375 = 128.75000375 BTX
Week #3: 128.75000375 + 3.86250397 = 132.61250777 BTX
Week #4: 132.61250777 + 3.97837921 = 136.59088693 BTX
- 4% - 100 ÷ 4% = 25
Week #5: 136.59088693 + 5.46363547 = 142.05452241 BTX
Week #6: 142.05452241 + 5.68218089 = 147.73670330 BTX
Week #7: 147.73670330 + 5.90946813 = 153.64617144 BTX
Week #8: 153.64617144 + 6.14584685 = 159.79201829 BTX
- 5% - 100 ÷ 5% = 20
Week #9: 159.79201829 + 7.98960091 = 167.78161921 BTX
Week #10: 167.78161921 + 8.38908096 = 176.17070010 BTX
Week #11: 176.17070010 + 8.80853500 = 184.97923518 BTX
Week #12: 184.97923518 + 9.24896175 = 194.22819694 BTX
Assuming the percentage goes up every 4 weeks, here is the airdrop expectation for a year starting with 100 coins...
In [133]: percent = 0.03
In [134]: week = 1
In [135]: coins = 100
In [136]: while week <= 52:
.....: airdrop = coins*percent
.....: newcoins = coins + airdrop
.....: print "Week ", week, percent, coins, " + ", airdrop, " = ", newcoins
.....: coins = newcoins
.....: if week % 4 == 0:
.....: percent = percent + 0.01
.....: week += 1
.....: coins = newcoins
Week 1 0.03 100 + 3.0 = 103.0
Week 2 0.03 103.0 + 3.09 = 106.09
Week 3 0.03 106.09 + 3.1827 = 109.2727
Week 4 0.03 109.2727 + 3.278181 = 112.550881
Week 5 0.04 112.550881 + 4.50203524 = 117.05291624
Week 6 0.04 117.05291624 + 4.6821166496 = 121.73503289
Week 7 0.04 121.73503289 + 4.86940131558 = 126.604434205
Week 8 0.04 126.604434205 + 5.06417736821 = 131.668611573
Week 9 0.05 131.668611573 + 6.58343057867 = 138.252042152
Week 10 0.05 138.252042152 + 6.9126021076 = 145.16464426
Week 11 0.05 145.16464426 + 7.25823221298 = 152.422876473
Week 12 0.05 152.422876473 + 7.62114382363 = 160.044020296
Week 13 0.06 160.044020296 + 9.60264121778 = 169.646661514
Week 14 0.06 169.646661514 + 10.1787996908 = 179.825461205
Week 15 0.06 179.825461205 + 10.7895276723 = 190.614988877
Week 16 0.06 190.614988877 + 11.4368993326 = 202.05188821
Week 17 0.07 202.05188821 + 14.1436321747 = 216.195520385
Week 18 0.07 216.195520385 + 15.1336864269 = 231.329206811
Week 19 0.07 231.329206811 + 16.1930444768 = 247.522251288
Week 20 0.07 247.522251288 + 17.3265575902 = 264.848808878
Week 21 0.08 264.848808878 + 21.1879047103 = 286.036713589
Week 22 0.08 286.036713589 + 22.8829370871 = 308.919650676
Week 23 0.08 308.919650676 + 24.7135720541 = 333.63322273
Week 24 0.08 333.63322273 + 26.6906578184 = 360.323880548
Week 25 0.09 360.323880548 + 32.4291492493 = 392.753029798
Week 26 0.09 392.753029798 + 35.3477726818 = 428.100802479
Week 27 0.09 428.100802479 + 38.5290722231 = 466.629874702
Week 28 0.09 466.629874702 + 41.9966887232 = 508.626563426
Week 29 0.1 508.626563426 + 50.8626563426 = 559.489219768
Week 30 0.1 559.489219768 + 55.9489219768 = 615.438141745
Week 31 0.1 615.438141745 + 61.5438141745 = 676.98195592
Week 32 0.1 676.98195592 + 67.698195592 = 744.680151512
Week 33 0.11 744.680151512 + 81.9148166663 = 826.594968178
Week 34 0.11 826.594968178 + 90.9254464996 = 917.520414677
Week 35 0.11 917.520414677 + 100.927245615 = 1018.44766029
Week 36 0.11 1018.44766029 + 112.029242632 = 1130.47690292
Week 37 0.12 1130.47690292 + 135.657228351 = 1266.13413127
Week 38 0.12 1266.13413127 + 151.936095753 = 1418.07022703
Week 39 0.12 1418.07022703 + 170.168427243 = 1588.23865427
Week 40 0.12 1588.23865427 + 190.588638513 = 1778.82729278
Week 41 0.13 1778.82729278 + 231.247548062 = 2010.07484085
Week 42 0.13 2010.07484085 + 261.30972931 = 2271.38457016
Week 43 0.13 2271.38457016 + 295.27999412 = 2566.66456428
Week 44 0.13 2566.66456428 + 333.666393356 = 2900.33095763
Week 45 0.14 2900.33095763 + 406.046334068 = 3306.3772917
Week 46 0.14 3306.3772917 + 462.892820838 = 3769.27011254
Week 47 0.14 3769.27011254 + 527.697815755 = 4296.96792829
Week 48 0.14 4296.96792829 + 601.575509961 = 4898.54343825
Week 49 0.15 4898.54343825 + 734.781515738 = 5633.32495399
Week 50 0.15 5633.32495399 + 844.998743099 = 6478.32369709
Week 51 0.15 6478.32369709 + 971.748554564 = 7450.07225166
Week 52 0.15 7450.07225166 + 1117.51083775 = 8567.5830894
wow. a lot of compound computations. You'd have to consider the total number of bitcore wallet addresses registered. Also if it would be possible for the total supply to cover the actual figures you have depicted on each registered addresses.