when I'm playing around with the online paper wallet generator
on the left corner bottom, I found a link to download source from github but it's for bitcoin
it seems bitcore is using exactly same address generator as bitcoin
any address created on either generator works/confirms on the other (both) network
am I right on this? furthermore, if they're identical...
would signature produce by bitcoin wallet also be verified by bitcore wallet?
I probably could answer this myself but my bitcore wallet keeps crashing when I run it
so... is the signing algorithm and result also the same for bitcoin and bitcore?
But what about new bitcore users that are going to buy/mining btx after 30 oct? They won't be able to get that 3% airdrops. What's are they motivation in this coin?
I'm interesting in btx rising and have registered for airdrop but what about others?
I believe your statement is not completely correct
there is NO deadline for registration as far as I now
the only deadline I know, Oct 23rd, is for getting extra 3% airdrop on top normal 3%
everyone including new user (registration req.) can still enjoy the 3% weekly airdrops
after Nov 2nd, the min 10 BTX requirement is also removed but only registered address get airdrop