That is not true. ccminer is gpl’d software, and the gpl explicitly allows you to give gpl’d software to anyone you wish. sp is actually violating the other developers copyrights by not supplying source code with it.
There is nothing wrong with selling it, as sp has, but he cannot legally prevent anyone he gives or sells it to from giving or selling to anyone else.
I mean think about how it feels for the bitcore devs to have basically had their coin cloned and renamed bitcoin gold and getting a ton more press for no real reason.
(I know I would be inclined to not want to develop anymore personally speaking)
What about how the developers of ccminer like alexis78 and tpruvot feel having their work appropriated and then sold by sp, in contravention of the license?
Why would you be concerned about protecting the intellectual property of someone that is himself exploiting others intellectual property?
No one developer will agree to do something, if only one pays, and everyone will use it. So it happened with Spmod_2. One moron put the mod in public.
I want to buy Spmod_3 in a fold with several people, please send suggestions.