We pay in the next time 10 BTX to all TOP 1000 holder from BTX. The smallest amount is currently:
The Airdrop Address 2 is 175WUjungSYtiFTfojFX8S8SHeNbiC6RKe. (180.000 BTX / 18* 10 * 1000 possible)
Rang 1000
amount 3.505434
addr "1PsKEqiuD2x7nTGQh1dWAB9HLWW9aej8yU"
wallet 5993
amount 1.78290457
addr "1AMx2oUQHSEeA2tAy9vUwb9eg9uQ7iPeST"
wallet 7847
amount 0.50600581
addr "17bTRFHnL8wP6E9obETCZaBJrTqtu6tqDq"
wallet 1579
We make in the next week a snapshot for that.
You have three address in the top 1000 -> You received 30 BTX.
I make the snapshot on monday.
Kind Regards Christian
amount 3.505434
addr "1PsKEqiuD2x7nTGQh1dWAB9HLWW9aej8yU"
wallet 5993
But, most of these addresses can be your's own addresses and so can be fake rewards.
Everyone can split his amount.
amount 4.95
addr "165Jim6nRzUtph2E5B6PKEoJhB3hLR77hs"
wallet 7560
Again, our concern not answered. These rewards can be fake and might have been paid to your own addresses
You can see, we have not moved the address 1.
amount 4.999034
addr "1NMkSTnYpuJPHGAiVZcV4scPaQsX1zxzXy"
wallet 5370
Edit. I have created for the Airdrops a second address. 180K