The advantages of the Monoeci platform compared to other platforms; Transactions and your personal data are protected through encryption, Monoeci Services are available for free without any involvement, Your funds are protected by blockchain security that cannot be solved and your Fund is also an investment in long-term and meaningful projects.
I think the biggest advantage of Monocei is not the coin itself. There is plenty coins outhere that do better. In my view the best that you find with Monocei are :
- location : Monocei is the most trusted financial hub in the world . You won't run a joke project from a place where 1 bed flat cost 5 mln $ or most of the residents are millionaires . The cash potential is huge .
- security : this is not guaranty but i don't see any risks with those guys behind the project. First the background the team has and the place where they are inspires a lot of trust to me.
- communication with the local government : while it's clear this project has nothing to do with the government, I love the formal way this is led in terms of consulting and taking advice from the council and also the ATM plan. I believe those guys are already known by the official there and who knows, maybe will get a bit of support to spread the local adoption .
Disadvantage :
To me (and if the team read this) the swap to a smart contract option may not the the biggest deal out there. I mean the idea of smart contracts is now picked up by so many big projects that I don't see the impact Monoctei will bring there. Also the future of ICOs and smart contract to me is not clear. I's rather say the team should focus on Monocei as cryptoconcurrency . To make it the next Dash (dream big).
I am not a specialist nor I try to inflate the price but to see this project at this price is just a joke. Shows me one project with this market cap having the points described above ?