I think the biggest advantage of Monocei is not the coin itself. There is plenty coins outhere that do better. In my view the best that you find with Monocei are :
- location : Monocei is the most trusted financial hub in the world . You won't run a joke project from a place where 1 bed flat cost 5 mln $ or most of the residents are millionaires . The cash potential is huge .
- security : this is not guaranty but i don't see any risks with those guys behind the project. First the background the team has and the place where they are inspires a lot of trust to me.
- communication with the local government : while it's clear this project has nothing to do with the government, I love the formal way this is led in terms of consulting and taking advice from the council and also the ATM plan. I believe those guys are already known by the official there and who knows, maybe will get a bit of support to spread the local adoption .
Disadvantage :
To me (and if the team read this) the swap to a smart contract option may not the the biggest deal out there. I mean the idea of smart contracts is now picked up by so many big projects that I don't see the impact Monoctei will bring there. Also the future of ICOs and smart contract to me is not clear. I's rather say the team should focus on Monocei as cryptoconcurrency . To make it the next Dash (dream big).
I am not a specialist nor I try to inflate the price but to see this project at this price is just a joke. Shows me one project with this market cap having the points described above ?
I don't understand the mostly positive opinions here. It feels like every day I have to make the rounds on the internet explaining that a successful coin is not one that gains value, the success of the community/country is what matters, and that often happens with a devaluation. A few other projects have understood this and try to separate the payment system from the "store of value", certainly it is very difficult to have both, almost impossible. You are all speculating, aren't you, hoping to go 2x or 10x and sell. I don't think the coin has had any serious software development behind it, and if we are talking business development or even government development, I don't see why anyone would limit their use of crypto to Monoeci. Even the owners of the Monoeci ATMs, if they have any brains, will enable them for other crypto too, and shops and government who will accept this coin will have every reason to press a couple of buttons and accept many other coins. It would be fun is the gov converted every other crypto to Monoeci, but it is going to convert everything to Euro, after all it is a success story for Monaco and it's strong economy, why fool around?
We also have the Electroneum case where their team and budget is bigger and they go around trying to do deals in England, but they still have managed to do a bad job with the software and with the price. So no guys, nothing about the project's value is clear, even if the get the government to adopt it.
If I cite what you said, I am 'damn' sure about that
I also thought last year that coin could succeed if it had technological progress and merit. And this idea has changed in many ways. Technological advances are certainly welcome, but without the approval of governments, Project will not succeed. And even if the government approves it, people may not accept the coin positively. There are numerous examples and counterexamples, and each successful project has solved the problem in its own way. The solution does not come only from technological advances. It can also be resolved through social consensus.
The most important thing for us now is to build a MONOECI-centered ecosystem. People could use a different cryptocurrency instead of monoeci. But if that ecosystem is created, the whole environment will flow with monoeci.
This project is not going to jump over many successful projects like Litecoin, eos, ripple. The goal of this project is to build a system so that cryptocurrency can be used in a real environment.
Many countries, including the United States, are experimenting with this, but have failed. The main reason is not because of technological progress, but because of government opposition and public opinion. See bitcoin now being used as currency in the cryptocurrency world.
Bitcoin has been criticized by many scholars and IT programmers because of old-school technology. But bitcoin survived. The main reason for this is that the bitcoin-centered hegemony is well established. This is the goal we should pursue.