You know you'd better come up with a proof for an accusation like this.
Cannot stop it?..
I came to memorycoin as a pool with 1.5%fee some time later as you still had ca.90% of hashrate with your 3.5%fees. People were glad to get a more fair pool, but suddenly after a significant part of miners came to dwarfpool, it has been attacked from two hackers who knows exactly about the source code of Memorycoin-wallet, source code of miners, an algorithm of Momentum with Birthday collisions on the lowest level.
Such a specific use of vulnerability on the crypto-level could be only known to the developers of coin, pool or miner-software. That are only a few persons on the world have this background and can make such attack so quickly: developer of Memorycoin, developer of the 1th pool, developer of yam-miner and Reorder (russian developer of miners and owner of biggest pool).
The attacker-management addresses are known. One and main of them is from Russia. I find that's really very suspicious!
Furthermore, you and "onliner" slander dwarfpool of stealing shares, pool, money whenever possible without any evidence!
That's strange, I do not even touch you, but as you (or your accomplice) said it yourself: "He that commits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it".. To lead a pool is very responsibly, it is matter of trust, I'd never wish to be a user of a pool whose owner's get such thoughts like yours..
You khow, my reputation is the most important thing for me, I paid all that was stolen from my users! dwarfpool has the most transparent stats!
Now, as an op of anonymous pool, I do not even see a possiblility to 'steal' from it to anyone but owner. There are no logins, how does one change the payment address at all? I take it that you have stolen from your users yourself and when this did not work out, did not even bother to make up a good excuse. Just started pointing fingers randomly.
Your reputation is only that of an avid and talented README changer, and everybody can see that: . An astounding contribution to the opensource!
Please do your shady things with your poor miners as you like, but get off my back already.
Guys, you really overact!! I never began this SHIT, but
do not expect me to be silent on your vile slander everywhere!!I'd say you are too aware for someone who does not deal with this attack.
I'm not a moron to rob my users after some weeks of hard work on a pool. Anyone who bought pool code wont be able to understand this, sorry.
This is also not my end work, I'm preparing a large project based on pool's knowledge and experience. In addition, I have been successfully leading a service with about 100K users for many years,
I khow well what is a reputation worth.Stop it to poke me I'd stolen GPL code! That is absurdly!
And your astounding contribution do not mean you are white and fluffy
You already get the answer how to attack the anonymous pool, but for miners: The hackers sent many fake shares from several accounts (fake-shares bomb), thereby increased a part of his own shares at the expense of other users.
Do you consider the users here as idiots who cannot open a link and read it, who cannot distinguish the difference between attack on pool-level and a website-level?
Although this is your style to attract attention to insignificant details. Your actions just strengthen the suspicions against you.