Can anyone confirm on deny this please?
I get > 100mhs using Cudaminer, but the shares aren't accepted, either Solo or Pool. My 15mhs of CPU miners are doing MUCH better.
really? But I bet you are doing 100 mhs out of one card but 15 mhs out of CPU is like from 10 DigiOceans droplets, right?
So is mining on cards worth or it just doesnt work?
No, not droplets. I have a few Core i7's lying around. But yes, the CPU's are MUCH more expensive than the equivalent GPU's.
But I haven't seen any evidence of the GPU's actually working.
Apparently the Cuda miners only work for Solo mining, but I've been on it from the beginning without any blocks. The tricky thing is - you can point Cudaminer at a pool, and it will appear to work as well, but it definitely doesn't (your throughput on the pool stays at 0). So there is no way to tell if it actually works for solo, or just prints out stuff on the screen.