Should MIN investors be worried about LOL coin? Not here to FUD, just trying to get more info from the community, being that i have a sizable investment in MIN.
Seems like LOL coin may be more intriguing to the non-crypto educated gamer or investor at the present moment. LOL is such a popular game for one and now League coin has implemented SCII betting as well. It's not part of the wallet, but non-crypto folks probably won't care about that. The 20% interest for LOL coin is far too much inflation imo, but there are far less coins from the POW stage as well (2.4million), which may offset the inflationary aspect in the short term.
Just wanted to get some comments from you guys on this. What do ya think?
Does LOL betting service works?
I`m asking this because MIN already have working service even if it is still in beta, and we are constantly updating it and we as I say everywhere relying on the service at first place then and only then on currency to support it. We only see value in something that works so we are working hard to make it work.
Also We are focusing on starctaft II betting for now to test things out. We will move on to development of LOL and Dota2 minerals betting services in a month or so, right after SC II service will work reliably. For now we decided, that we finish one task at a time, test it, release it and then move to other task. Developement service with multiple different APIs and Gaming communities will take way to long, and if we release step by step then we will be able to deliver every next step faster and cleaner keeping in mind all mistakes we made from step 1 instead of digesting them all at once if we multitask.