Ask them about Assad, Iraq, ISIS, Taliban, Monsanto, Vietnam, Hiroshima, Gaza, Rwanda, former Yugoslavia, Obamacare, Poroshenko and his Nazi salute ... (the list is too long to mention) They're all shit dropped upon our heads by the CIA, NSA, Obama, Bush, Clinton, NATO, EU dickheads, Lagarde, Ketchup boy Kerry, Biden (who's son is on the board in Ukraine's gas company since the shit started *hint hint*), Rotschilds, JP Morgan, Rockefellers, etc... Even the pope of Rome has his saying in this shit.
We're just peons to be wasted and sacrificed in war and poverty for the benefits of the few at the top. Nothing has changed since the dark Middle-Ages, except the technology to control our minds and kill our peers not knowing why we kill them, only because they say they are the enemy or whatever.
So let's stop whining about Russia or any other nation, please?
Sorry for the ebola joke above if you think it's inappropriate or shocking :/
Nah I'm cool