Check that again. Don't seem to be wrong. only, maybe? How can we contact them to update?
According to the block explorer current block is 83051 and those 2 p2pools are at 80829, which one is correct ?
P2Pool is always on another chain than the main chain, that is the concept itself (see here: ). The question is, however, if they have updated to the latest mooncoind on their servers. I am running a local P2Pool-node over here with the latest wallet and it shows exactly the same last block as the two other p2pools, and - btw - like your P2Pool also. And my Mooncoins flow in perfectly on the latest chain to my updated wallet. Seems that the two mentioned servers are updated. So please check again.
Edit: What I found strange on, however: there are only two payout-addresses shown, whereas on other p2pools there are ~11 payout-addresses displayed at the time of writing.
Edit2: All that only shows, that pool-owners should ALWAYS offer some kind of contact. I cannot see any link to contact, in order to ask, whether they have updated - which is simply bad. bemining seems to only offer a twitter-account. That is no good way of contact also, because not everyone has a twitter-account or would like to open one.
Why not simply implement a contact-form and/or email-link?
Edit3: Did you all vote for Mooncoin today? --> (Three votes per hour)