im starting to feel more better i found this shit coin
What do you mean? As soon as you will receive the wallet, you'll be able to trade inside our app. Buying and selling are mining MTN blocks.
As example you buy and 0.0001 btc and you sell at 0.00011, means you got profit and the block reward will be divided by this profit.
So if i want to start trading , there must be also buy orders or what?
Yes, there will be buy and sell orders. 2 types of trading, virtual and real. The only difference is that real will be equal with 70% with hash of a block and virtual just 30%. At the begging we do not expect so much real trading, so just having MTN in the first stage will offer you the right to get reward from blocks
wow thats cool! hehe nice
just 0.0005 btc for all of this? it seems to be a good investment

The airdrop can become bigger, up to 4 times the regular. The maximum you can pay is 0.002 btc or 0.08 ether