For people looking at this IPO and saying "no escrow, no buy in", I get it. Escrows are supposed to provide a buffer of
protection so you don't get scammed. NFD (the original NFD) supposedly had escrow too and it turned out to be a big
ol' scam. I lost the BTC that I'd invested. Fortunately, the people I recommended the original NFD to only got in on the
free IPO so they didn't lose anything other than a little bit of time.
I'm telling you this b/c I'm skeptical of coin IPOs - particularly when there is no escrow. But when I was reading about
N2 back in the beginning, it sounded interesting and the buy-in was so low - .02 BTC - I figured that if I was wrong
and it turned out to be another scam, it was a small price to pay to find out and then be able to warn other people.
I am VERY happy to say that that was not the case. The coindev has been responsive to my many emails and has
been scrupulously honest and up front with me at every turn. Hell, when I sent him .06 BTC instead of .02 BTC, he
told me that each person could only buy-in for one share - and he refunded my .04 BTC the same day.
Everything he said we would get, I have received. I received the free N2 for every day that I applied for the giveaway
and my IPO coins arrived as promised as well.
The only moment of concern I had was when my free coins didn't arrive right away, and it turned out I was using the
wrong version of the client. The coindev helped me get that straightened out and then the coins showed up in my
balance right away.
So for .02 BTC, don't let the lack of escrow concern you overmuch. The coindev has delivered every step of the way
and from the looks of the new client, more good things are yet to come.
Just my two cents, for what it is worth.
Jeah totally agree with all. The Dev is doin a real gooD JoB here, thx to You Dev. You are real honest. For me it seems like one of the fairest IPOs here on BTT.
Appreciate to your work!! Thx