Prisoners dilemma, if people start giving in to price signals to sell their Dnotes all at once, they ruin it for everybody, if people only sell in drips and drabs then there would be price stability and possibly more even stake distribution.
There are too many variables to discuss, in the crypto world, it is just easier to watch for now. There are ways to mitigate pump and dumps, but they are unsustainable long term (dev acting as a buyer and seller with the pre-mine means he would run out of either note or bitcoin eventually and the whole thing would collapse) or the exact reason why people moved from fiat currency to crypto - no government intervention.
Boy I'm glad you're here! As a matter of fact, I'm so glad you're here, I'm not even going to object to you calling me brother! I don't think DNotes is going to go up in correlation to the 90% decrease immediately but I was factoring in an increase in demand. DNotes has done things differently than other currencies and I don't think a lot of people understand the building of a good foundation first. There hasn't been the usual fuss made here that there has been with other coins and I'm pretty sure we have flown almost completely under the radar. I think the buying will come from outside the current cryptocurrency world, maybe not in the next couple of weeks, but rather the next several months.