Dear Users:
Since we started the project, our vision was to provide a gateway to the world of cryptocurrencies and online business. Our main objective was to connect users and merchants of crypto assets with new projects of the latest generation and provide a superior service in a consistent way, informing with relevant content review of companies, projects and how to promote and earn money through the internet. Also implicitly generate a shared profit platform through the crypto asset NPCcoin.
We put in a lot of hard work and tried our best to make the result optimal, but market conditions, increased regulation, the inability to finance further development and maintain operations forced us to make a difficult decision:
With great regret, we announce that the NPC project is closing and we don't know if it will ever return.
We want to notify our users that we canceled all NPCcoin blockchain servers for an swap to a new blockchain on January 10, 2020, however, after studying different options on developing a new chain of blocks demonstrated technical incapacity.
In addition, our PHP5.6 code with which the platform was built became obsolete after the last mandatory update of Wordpress 5.0 in which our development as a platform was built since it forced us to a new version of PHP7. 3 or higher completely disabling our code and forcing the re-coding of all the programmed functions of the platform. without this being sufficient, the new European regulations on GDPR that came into force on May 25, 2018 regarding the possibility that the user has the right and the possibility of deleting their data from our servers make the project unfeasible, since that the transactions made within our blockchain are impossible to eliminate. last but not least, the new regulatory standards published May 1, 2018 on the categorization of cryptocurrencies between Utility Token and Security Token according to the document published by MME "Conceptual Framework of reference for legal and risk Evaluation of Crypto Tokens Classification of decentralized blockchain-based assets", would classify NPCcoin as a Security Token with the obligation to implement on the platform that issues and exchanges through the Exchange NPCcoin with other crypto assets, to implement a KYC / AML system, preventing NPC activity in anonymity and leaving NPCcoin and as a platform that houses the NPCcoin cryptocurrency outside the regulatory framework.
When the concept of the NPC project was developed in 2011 to 2014, both the platform and the cryptoactive NPCcoin all these new regulations, obligations and laws did not exist and that from mid-2018 and 2019 they left the concept and model of Business of outdated and out of the new rules.
It is for this reason and much to my regret even with different attempts to adapt to new laws and code updates, it has been proven that the NPC project is technically unfeasible and is abandoned and canceled giving up all the effort of time, work and expenses.
In case of problems or have solutions, use the email
[email protected] as all other social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Discord, etc.) will be closed.
Thanks for supporting us for so long,
Founder Isaac Galvez