i wonder how that happened.. secure password etc?
Maybe you are using the same password al the time and you're account has being hacked on another pool or something...
I was on nyan.steadymining.com and I used diffrent password,user name and pin number then I moved to moonishere
Please make sure you are not using the same password ANYWHERE ELSE! I'll check if i can find anything releated to it. Thank you for reporting it.
from chain explorer:
from the amounts, it looks like he got someone.
edit: made a warning on my pools site.
EDIT2: I Searched all accounts for address: KScSEy2ok7qyDm5XgsSmFevhXqAba4kDT5 And found 2 accounts with it. I will remove it for security reasons.
he took 2014-01-28 17:27:55 19.21930433 Nyan not much since I mine with 135Khs ,but it`s ok , thanks for checking
sent you 50 NYAN's
thank you very much