Dear NYCoin believers,
I know of someone who spent $50.00 on NYCoin in the last week in which we saw the price of NYCoin falling to .00000009ETH on the Yobit NYC/ETH market. During this time many small "buy" orders were made from the lowest allowed amount up to 10k NYCoin. This action changed the "narrative" in the market and we have seen NYCoin rise in value towards all trading currencies. If you would like to see NYCoin rise in value, please do the same. We all know that NYCoin will rise dramatically in the comming future, so we have nothing to lose by joining together with a strategy at these low prices. Instead of buying NYCoin in one lump sum, please consider joining this fight against "dark forces" that wish to keep the price down so they can make all the proffit. For example, if you want to buy 1mil NYCoin, do so in many small orders to help continue to "change the narrative" such as many 10k orders. This has caused the market to respond in a positive way toward NYCoin by increasing volume and price, as attention to positive activity is drawn toward NYCoin. When dark forces sell, we must counter with a buy OF ANY SIZE to keep the green showing on the exchange. This counter activity causes more volume, more volume causes more attention, more attention causes more buying, and the price has risen from .00000009ETH to .00000013 ETH by spending $50 bucks. This action has been in the NYC/ETH market on Yobit. All other trading markets have responded positively as the value, volume, and percentages have increased. IF we all band together, BOOM! NYCoin to the moon. I need your help, I experimented with this plan before bringing it to you and you can see by the numbers, it has worked. The Fight continues. JOIN in the FIGHT! BUY on the Yobit NYC/ETH market in continual small amounts, when you have time. My net worth of NYCoin has almost doubled in the last week, and so has yours because of a new trading strategy that works; Instigated by one individual with $50.00 worth of ETH on the Yobit NYC/ETH market. 5O bucks can make a huge difference IF DONE RIGHT. Play along here with me for a time and see if this does not work, it has worked in the last 5 days with only one individual and 50 bucks. You have nothing to lose. I made it this far on my own as a test, but this is a "David and Golliath" scenario here, I need your help.
stop it !!!!
but please