
Topic: [ANN][OC] Orangecoin ★★ POS ★★ Anon Transactions ★★ Masternodes - page 11. (Read 209560 times)

hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
And i have notice on chainz that the chain hasn't moved for +30MIN!??? What's going on?
Chain is moving alright.

275643   1 hour 58 minutes    2   228.337397 OC   0.3461   Proof of Stake
275642   2 hours 48 minutes    2   758.412602 OC   0.3330   Proof of Stake

Must of been a fluke, no one staking or something. But the chain is advancing just fine now.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
Here's what I wrote to theymos, I used some of you for contacts for references. Apologies if I overstepped without asking, but I honestly think you guys would back me up.

Hello Theymos,

I know you are a busy person, I'll keep this short and sweet as possible.

Orangecoin thread:
OP account of thread:

Basically, our dev disappeared one year ago in July, 2014. Scammed. Our coin was able to perform fine without creating a new thread for the last year, but now we have updates and different client versions we need to post in the OP.

I have been with orangecoin since April 28th, 2014, page 12.
I have been very active posting and became the community liason and the community "glue" which I feel is the reason OC is still alive today. I have been the treasurer of our development fund since July of 2014 (I can provide the first tx in the fund if needed as proof), and provider of our new website I was appointed the position of admin of our old forum by "OC dev" himself in May 2014, but hosting went down a long time ago for that forum/website. The last known whereabouts of OCdev was around August 10th, 2014 at github. So it's been a year with no signs of life.

Character References from the forum posts from around 1 year ago:

Character references from current:
soopy452000 (NAV dev):
More references available upon request.

So my question for you: Is it possible to give me access to the OP account or should I make a new OP? We would rather keep the old thread alive than start a new thread.

Thank you very much for your time.

hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000

 Nice wallpaper for the people.

Found this while digging, I liked it, so bumped it.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
While I was looking for my first post in this thread, look what I found:

Seems Mystphyx has been around for a while. Smiley
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
In other news of late,

2 people have come to me in a PM about additional PR and or/services.

The first, I was asked to do a web-radio interview about OC via supernet radio:
I declined for now, I want to figure out more where OC is going before I even thought about doing this. Also, I don't have a microphone, let alone a quality microphone.
If anyone wants to do this interview, be my guest. Otherwise, I'm going to wait until we get even more stabilized and directive in our quest to succeed. Right now, it's more of a "we don't know where we are heading yet" theme in my head. I truly don't think I'm the right person to do this, PR people usually know how to "talk up" their product using key words like "exciting" etc, etc.

The other was an invite to a crypto-currency forum which was started around January 2015. Pretty much another btctalk or cct. If we want more exposure, we can sign up, just protect yourselves (IP addresses) as normal. There is an evaluation process we'd have to go through.

This reminded me of our other OC account at cct.
Thing is, cct OC thread was not very active, at any time. Imo, btctalk is the forum to use. When people need to find us when bctalk goes down, I'm on twitter and so is Raven, and there's the website,, which I would put a "news flash" in the first page in if we needed urgent info released. I can provide a forum in the website, I don't know how secure weebly is for something like that. I'll poke around weebly.

Activity: 1778
Merit: 1000
Raven, you the man. Really!! Great job!

As far as jan's dev, I think it may be Mystphyx. Just a guess though. If that's the case, we should be alright. He seemed legit.

Reddit: Again, good job. This is your territory though, I never had a reddit account as stated before (and I really don't want one, lol)
Twitter: Cool
FB: If there was a way to make an email account without using hidemyass, I'd go ahead and make all of the accounts we need, but gmail and yahoo are not allowing me to make another email without adding a cell phone to verify. Otherwise I would have already made all of these accounts by now.

I added you to my twitter.

About the wallet, that's why I'd like it to be open source. I will search through the git as best I can. Don't have the Mac Dev release anything publicly until/before you test it. You are the one protecting any Mac users investments, like I've been doing for Windows, including me grilling soopy when he first came on board. I had no idea who he was at first... Cheesy
Rather be safe than sorry.

I'll throw theymos a PM in the next few days when I get a chance and ask him about the OP account here. I've been in the OC community long enough, he may go for it. I've been thinking about doing this for months anyway. Now more time has elapsed, and OCdev's time (since he logged in last) has extended to a year now.

We are willing to pay the Orangecoin MacWallet Dev in OC. We are also waiting for soopy to come back.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
Raven, you the man. Really!! Great job!

As far as jan's dev, I think it may be Mystphyx. Just a guess though. If that's the case, we should be alright. He seemed legit.

Reddit: Again, good job. This is your territory though, I never had a reddit account as stated before (and I really don't want one, lol)
Twitter: Cool
FB: If there was a way to make an email account without using hidemyass, I'd go ahead and make all of the accounts we need, but gmail and yahoo are not allowing me to make another email without adding a cell phone to verify. Otherwise I would have already made all of these accounts by now.

I added you to my twitter.

About the wallet, that's why I'd like it to be open source. I will search through the git as best I can. Don't have the Mac Dev release anything publicly until/before you test it. You are the one protecting any Mac users investments, like I've been doing for Windows, including me grilling soopy when he first came on board. I had no idea who he was at first... Cheesy
Rather be safe than sorry.

I'll throw theymos a PM in the next few days when I get a chance and ask him about the OP account here. I've been in the OC community long enough, he may go for it. I've been thinking about doing this for months anyway. Now more time has elapsed, and OCdev's time (since he logged in last) has extended to a year now.

Activity: 1778
Merit: 1000
And i have notice on chainz that the chain hasn't moved for +30MIN!??? What's going on?
Chain is moving alright.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1041
And i have notice on chainz that the chain hasn't moved for +30MIN!??? What's going on?
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1041
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
Alright, let's discuss the Mac wallet.

If we'd like, I can pay upfront for the Mac wallet from the development fund and we can replenish the fund via donations, if people choose to donate. This is why we have this fund and me managing it like so. I think this is the easiest way and doesn't require any additional addresses.


YES, some of us can pay for the wallet in OC, so that the MAC wallet developer really becomes interested in the coin and will be willing to do future updates.

I agree John. And speaking of developing... How's Soopy? Feeling Better? How Does he feel about this Mac Wallet? Also I am in conversation with a couple people talking about noding..... BIG THINGS COMING! One from Dash, and Another from BUCKS

I got word that the Mac wallet project is a 'go', that we can buy it. So Raven, do you want to continue the deal with jan since you've been speaking with jan already and send me an address to send the 20k OC to once you are all ready, or I can speak with the dev myself. Makes no difference to me.

Questions for Mac dev:
-How long after the release will the dev support the client for bugs and/or soft updates to OC code?
-What functionality will we get for the asking price? Will it mirror Soopy's wallet functionality, at the least?

I would ask about the devs coding Orangegroves later on, but I'd think that would be another charge since we don't have any code ready to be incorporated. Besides, we're not ready for MN yet. We'd need to find code and insert it, testnet a few rounds, and figure what we'd use the MN for. Long road ahead of us in this respect. We should start discussing what we want to do with them as we figure out when we can get them coded. Let's just worry about getting some Mac users back in the game for now. Smiley

Also Raven, didn't you say you were working on the twitter account or something, circa when you contacted coinmarketcap?
No matter what, we should have a new twitter and facebook before we submit so we have working social media in the wallet if the Mac dev can mirror soopy's wallet. Soopy's idea was great, I love it -- except it's linked with inactive/dead media accounts....  but that's all good since that's a probably simple rewrite of a line of code per link, just a guess though. Actually, need to know if Soopy linked those dead links for a reason or just to fill in the blanks. These media outlets usually run themselves, not much time is needed to keep up, but the more time one invests, the better it is.


I hope soopy is ok, too!!!!  Cry Cry
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1041
Alright, let's discuss the Mac wallet.

If we'd like, I can pay upfront for the Mac wallet from the development fund and we can replenish the fund via donations, if people choose to donate. This is why we have this fund and me managing it like so. I think this is the easiest way and doesn't require any additional addresses.


YES, some of us can pay for the wallet in OC, so that the MAC wallet developer really becomes interested in the coin and will be willing to do future updates.

I agree John. And speaking of developing... How's Soopy? Feeling Better? How Does he feel about this Mac Wallet? Also I am in conversation with a couple people talking about noding..... BIG THINGS COMING! One from Dash, and Another from BUCKS
Activity: 1778
Merit: 1000
Alright, let's discuss the Mac wallet.

If we'd like, I can pay upfront for the Mac wallet from the development fund and we can replenish the fund via donations, if people choose to donate. This is why we have this fund and me managing it like so. I think this is the easiest way and doesn't require any additional addresses.


YES, some of us can pay for the wallet in OC, so that the MAC wallet developer really becomes interested in the coin and will be willing to do future updates.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1041
Alright, let's discuss the Mac wallet.

If we'd like, I can pay upfront for the Mac wallet from the development fund and we can replenish the fund via donations, if people choose to donate. This is why we have this fund and me managing it like so. I think this is the easiest way and doesn't require any additional addresses.


I concur, I can donate 5k OC.... that's a 10th of my stack... Any other takers\donors?
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
Alright, let's discuss the Mac wallet.

If we'd like, I can pay upfront for the Mac wallet from the development fund and we can replenish the fund via donations, if people choose to donate. This is why we have this fund and me managing it like so. I think this is the easiest way and doesn't require any additional addresses.

Activity: 1512
Merit: 1041
haha, cheers, mate!

Loosely, it is. and time for bed. been a busy night.......... Wink  Wink

until tomorrow.....


Until Tomorrow..
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
haha, cheers, mate!

Loosely, it is. and time for bed. been a busy night.......... Wink  Wink

until tomorrow.....
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1041
OCDF finished staking: 237248.962659

@1000OC to equate a 1$, 20,000=20$ will get us a Mac wallet according to @Jan... I don't know anything about xcode.

Sounds good, but still waiting for soopy to respond......

We have the dev fund to pay for this, so it won't cost anyone anything. Price is reasonable. Limiting OC to just Windows is a hindrance, in my opinion.

Btw, I can't test any Mac software. No Mac here. We would have to rely on a community member with a Mac to find any problems or bugs.

Addition: I've been informed we can go ahead with the Mac wallet, so do we want to use the dev fund or do we want to collect separate donations?

Well what is the guarantee with @Jans' Mac Dev? Will he support Their bugs? Is there additional costs to support? What functionality will we get for the asking price? CAN we add functionality (OrageGroves) when needed, and how long will it take is the 500 lb gorilla question?

I am okay with either Donations or using the fund, I can donate some if others are willing to do the same.


PS I have access to a Mac if needed. but again I am totally unfamiliar with xcode, basically i can test transactions but will be unable to debug.

Thanks in advance to everyone!


I'm sure there would be basic support until there was something wrong with the overall code affecting all wallets, which is rare and probably won't happen again. The other question to ask is: open source?

As far as donations, I'll talk more in the morning. I've had a little much to drink again, it's fun. But it's not the time to discuss business. Smiley Smiley Cheesy

Hey I've had almost a case.... Maybe loosly spoken words are best. Haha just kidding. - SEE WE HAVE FUN! But nice summary for the questions?
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
OCDF finished staking: 237248.962659

@1000OC to equate a 1$, 20,000=20$ will get us a Mac wallet according to @Jan... I don't know anything about xcode.

Sounds good, but still waiting for soopy to respond......

We have the dev fund to pay for this, so it won't cost anyone anything. Price is reasonable. Limiting OC to just Windows is a hindrance, in my opinion.

Btw, I can't test any Mac software. No Mac here. We would have to rely on a community member with a Mac to find any problems or bugs.

Addition: I've been informed we can go ahead with the Mac wallet, so do we want to use the dev fund or do we want to collect separate donations?

Well what is the guarantee with @Jans' Mac Dev? Will he support Their bugs? Is there additional costs to support? What functionality will we get for the asking price? CAN we add functionality (OrageGroves) when needed, and how long will it take is the 500 lb gorilla question?

I am okay with either Donations or using the fund, I can donate some if others are willing to do the same.


PS I have access to a Mac if needed. but again I am totally unfamiliar with xcode, basically i can test transactions but will be unable to debug.

Thanks in advance to everyone!


I'm sure there would be basic support until there was something wrong with the overall code affecting all wallets, which is rare and probably won't happen again. The other question to ask is: open source?

As far as donations, I'll talk more in the morning. I've had a little much to drink again, it's fun. But it's not the time to discuss business. Smiley Smiley Cheesy
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1041
OCDF finished staking: 237248.962659

@1000OC to equate a 1$, 20,000=20$ will get us a Mac wallet according to @Jan... I don't know anything about xcode.

Sounds good, but still waiting for soopy to respond......

We have the dev fund to pay for this, so it won't cost anyone anything. Price is reasonable. Limiting OC to just Windows is a hindrance, in my opinion.

Btw, I can't test any Mac software. No Mac here. We would have to rely on a community member with a Mac to find any problems or bugs.

Addition: I've been informed we can go ahead with the Mac wallet, so do we want to use the dev fund or do we want to collect separate donations?

Well what is the guarantee with @Jans' Mac Dev? Will he support Their bugs? Is there additional costs to support? What functionality will we get for the asking price? CAN we add functionality (OrageGroves) when needed, and how long will it take is the 500 lb gorilla question?

I am okay with either Donations or using the fund, I can donate some if others are willing to do the same.


PS I have access to a Mac if needed. but again I am totally unfamiliar with xcode, basically i can test transactions but will be unable to debug.

Thanks in advance to everyone!

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